Coralife Digital Thermometer?


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OK, so I know these things have a bad rep. That being said, I have one, and have now had to replace the batteries in it 3 times in the past 4 months or so. It has a power button, but I can't ever get it to turn I missing something?
I didn't even know they turned off... mine has read consistently, at least... but not accurately.
Actual temp (lab grade probe thermometer): 81.7 (hot point today)
Displayed: 80.9

I gotta get a controller.
Why are you wasting your money on batteries for that thing? Put that cash towards one that works. Having said that, I too wasn't aware that they turn off.
Skriz;358132 wrote: Why are you wasting your money on batteries for that thing? Put that cash towards one that works. Having said that, I too wasn't aware that they turn off.

When I first started, I asked which thermometers were decent, and everybody told me not to get this one, but nobody suggested one that WAS worth buying.

I'm gonna order a RK Lite while they're on sale, I guess once I figure out what I'll need for it to do what I require. I don't know if the one module will cover me or not.
I don't KNOW that they turn off, but they have a power button. I just can't imagine that I'm supposed to have to change batteries every 5-6 weeks! I'm with you Barry, what else is there short of a controller?
The good digital units are pricey (ranco, etc.), so for that kind of bank, you're better off with a controller. The RK lite was a great buy at $100 as it will give you much more than your money's worth.

Other than that, get a good glass thermometer; they're very accurate and use no batteries.

Also, my coralife has been running for years on the same batteries (I use it for my sw mixing tub).
Skriz;358151 wrote:
Also, my coralife has been running for years on the same batteries (I use it for my sw mixing tub).

Thats what I was going to say.. I have had it for atleast 3 years and never had to change the batteries
DrNecropolis;358153 wrote: Thats what I was going to say.. I have had it for atleast 3 years and never had to change the batteries

I thought the thing was solar powered or something...a battery would exceed it's value :lol2:
I pulled one out of a box of junk that has been in storage for three years and it still had power.
texhorns98;358125 wrote: OK, so I know these things have a bad rep. That being said, I have one, and have now had to replace the batteries in it 3 times in the past 4 months or so. It has a power button, but I can't ever get it to turn I missing something?

When you press the power putton, hold it down for 3 seconds and see what happens. I think that is how they turn off, and a single normal press turns them back on.

And that being said, they are inaccurate and a stick on suction cup glass type would be better.
They are fine thermometers. I have seen some that are up to 3 degrees off though so its best to have some way to verify them. I use a lasar thermometer to check them against as well as my ACjr(not the most accurate either but its close enough)

you hold the power button down for 5 sec to turn them off BTW. I have 3 and have yet to change a battery in 3 years and they are still within .5 degrees of my other devices.
I have a infrared thermometer and have found that all 3 thermometers I have tried (coralife digi, ACJr, and glass) are different temps than what it reads. I'm not sure who is right, so I just keep my temp at 78, so I have some room for error.

Just recently my ACJr probe suddenly went out, I think, ans it now says my tank is 39 degrees. I'm not sure how, but I never thought that tehy would suddenly fail like that.
Roundman - The RK Lite for $100 was in a Thread just a little while back, it even came with PH probe.. I'm not sure the deal is still going on though.. I can't find the old thread..
I keep mine in the tank for a good laugh:D. It reads around 91 when actuals are 79-80. It read low for months, then one day it started reading 10+ high.
So all of you who had them last forever, were you turning them on and off or know? I'd be down for a RK Lite if we can find that deal again. I'll check around!
Check on Digital Aquatics' site. It's listed at $99. I have had my Coralife since September, never turned it off. It's currently running on my nano. It reads a few degrees high, but I know how far off it is and have measured it against my RKL which was calibrated with a glass thermometer. I don't use it for reading the temp so much as I do for reading the swing.