corals I need some help


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Friday night my pump went out and I replaced it with on that was double the water volume. I went from 650 gal per hour to 1100 gal per hour. I left early Saturday morning to go fishing with kids on spring break. Returning home late Sunday my light had already gone off. So again I thought nothing of it. Monday I come home from work and all my corals are closed or partly bleached. I checked my water and everything is within limits. I ran and got a new pump and now its a waiting game. has any one ever had this problem and what was the out come.
Hmmmm. Odd. I cant see why changing a pump out would cause that. Is it possible that maybe it had some type of chemical residue on the inside?
Have you checked your params? Is it blowing directly on the corals? It is my understanding that some dont like a lot of flow while some of them do. You may have stressed them that way as SPS like consistency.