CPR skimmer


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Hey I just got a CPR refugium hang on the back with the protein skimmer. I cannot get the venturi adjussted so the bubbles are small enough to skim. Any ideas?
The air tube has a knob to adjust the bubbles, you could try that, glad to hear it's working for ya
Well its not working lol. I tried adjusting the knob but the bubbles are very big. Is it very sensitive.
give it time to break in too.... if its really clean then it's going to take about a week or so until it starts producing decent skimmate
you can buy a finer air valve to regulate the air flow. Alot better than the one supplied... i just brought a such a valve to regulate the output of my ca reactor ,, unfortunatly for me it came in a pack of 7 (only needed one)...you can have one if you like (if i ever find out where this secret meeting is held lol!)

Well if everyone knew then it wouldnt be a secret!!! LOL
We're going to draw maps for the next meeting :)
Ok but what about the bubbles shouldn't they still be small? I really like this thing. But I need to get the light.
Lol I feel stupid I was testing with regular freshwater. Ok ok dont say anything I already feel stupid

lol, Im just kidding Bryan! I thought you knew better than that...

(Good catch AJ)

lol, Im just kidding Bryan! I thought you knew better than that...

(Good catch AJ)

:lol2: ROTFL:lol2: ...Dude I knew it was comming.:yes:

Bryan post some pics dogg!!!
Of Bubbles? lol haha I like to lighten up the forums. What in the heck does ROTFL stand for? Hah don't worry i'm a proffesional! YEA I worked at a aquarium store for a year lol.</em>