Crap! Help!!

What in the Wide Wide World of Sports if goin' on here!? I just walked over to the tank and one of my turbos has crawled OUT of the tank! :lol2:
I think I can see the problem now. There's a small part near the top where the silicone doesn't seem to be as well done. THAT part is now above the water line, so maybe I was mistaken where the leak was originating from. As Raj said, there's no logical way for a seam leak to have fixed itself! I still can't figure out the snail though...
dawgdude;374079 wrote: My snails do the same. Here is the bad news and anyone who builds correct me if I am wrong but I have never been able get a seal to be leak proof without removing the whole seam and resealing it completely. I wouldnt trust just patching it. How big is this tank btw? How much weight in gallons are we talking about?

It's around 120 give or take a few gallons. I'm going to be hellapissed if I have to break this whole thing down! Just for good measure, my Vortech wetside seems to have busted as well. Looks like the screw that holds the magnet just snapped or something. The entire housing was spinning when it turned on! ARRGGH!!
Yeah, I bought them around the time we had the whole group buy debacle. It's been only a few months, I think. But now to have to ship them off for warranty, etc. Jeez Louise! All this, and I didn't even upgrade the SIZE of my tank! :)
Play with the bearing and screw. Sometimes the bearing needs to be replaced and sometimes you can just loosen the screw some. You have to play with it sometimes if you take a part and put it back together.

sailfish;374085 wrote: Play with the bearing and screw. Sometimes the bearing needs to be replaced and sometimes you can just loosen the screw some. You have to play with it sometimes if you take a part and put it back together.


On the wetside, there's a housing cover that pops off. Then there's a magnet in there that is now loose. It LOOKS like there was a screw that held the magnet in place. Is that not the case? I didn't take it apart, it was blinking red and green (not running) and so I took it out. The wetside almost fell apart just from taking it off the glass. Man, this REALLY is not my night. I'm off to bed though. Thanks to all for the advice. If you're still up, I'd welcome any more thoughts you have!:thumbs: Particularly if you have any experience with the Vortechs and/or their warranty service.
Isn't this your third tank, Trey?

I agree with the poster that said if a seam leaks, the entire seam needs to be redone.

Hopefully you don't wake up in the morning to a disaster.

Was the tank new or used? If it's used - a leak test of at least a few days is what I recommend. If it's new... typically a leak test isn't necessary on a new tank, or at least it shouldn't be. It should be under warranty - if it's a standard size if they have another they can swap it out - if it's custom, you're probably SOL for a few weeks.

Dang trey... When it rains it pours!! Chris should be on soon enough.. I can't really see him leaving ya hanging on this one.. Just seems like to good a guy..
Did not read all post but this tank was water tested multiple times. The water is coming from euro bracing I believe. My phone never rang, I would have been there. I am about to head for Clemson for the day and will be back this evening. Call me ASAP. Do not break the tank down yet, I could be wrong but 99% sure its a trickle from between the replaced bracing and original glass.

texhorns98;374060 wrote: I ran it for 6 hours with no leaks before the install, I thought that was sufficient. Who the heck runs a tank for two weeks to check for leaks?

no one.
At least from the Vortech standpoint their service is excellent. Go to their website, send them an email regarding the problem and they'll give you instructions for sending it in. Their turnaround repair is very quick.

Good luck with the tank; hopefully it is just the water from the return hitting under the eurobracing that is leaking and may be fixable without tearing it back down.
Jenn, third tank, fourth tank, who's counting? :lol:

Yeah Chris, the tank was tested, for sure and that's what's got me puzzled. The one thing we weren't able to do was run it all the way to the top (filling the overflow). I KNOW you would have been there, but it was already late and I didn't want to bother you at that point. I too believe it's a trickle up near where the eurobracing once was. If there's one thing I know about Chris, he ain't gonna leave me hangin! :)
Big D;374125 wrote: <span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS">Here's an option if you decide to not drain the tank:</span>"><span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS">Link </span></a><span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS">&lt;&lt;---</span>

<span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS">D</span>[/QUOTE]

Big D, have you ever used that stuff for a long term solution? This leak is about a cup an hour, I would guess. Not that big at all.
I just spoke to Chris and (as expected) he's thinking through solutions like a mad scientist! I think we're going to be ok without breaking down the whole tank. Knock on wood, toss salt over my shoulder, hang a horseshoe, PRAY!
Yeah hopefully all the bad luck happend last night, and only good luck to come. I wish you the best! Hopefully you don't have to tear it all the way down. This kind of news makes me wonder if i should put the sand in mine tonight :eek:
Thanks Budsreef. I think it may have been partially my fault that the Vortech busted. ANOTHER thing that happened last night was that I had 35G of week old makeup water ready to go for the new tank. I went out to get 5G and didn't properly secure the hose. It slipped out and siphoned all but maybe a gallon out on to my garage floor! I quickly made up 20 more gallons but needed some serious agitation to assist. I put the Vortech out there but it was on a round container. Think that would have done it?
texhorns98;374178 wrote: Thanks Budsreef. I think it may have been partially my fault that the Vortech busted. ANOTHER thing that happened last night was that I had 35G of week old makeup water ready to go for the new tank. I went out to get 5G and didn't properly secure the hose. It slipped out and siphoned all but maybe a gallon out on to my garage floor! I quickly made up 20 more gallons but needed some serious agitation to assist. I put the Vortech out there but it was on a round container. Think that would have done it?

I think it's time you wake up to find out the last 24 hours are all a dream! Dude you have had some serious bad luck. :(
Got my fingers crossed that things change for you and SOON... :)