Crazy fish


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Powder Springs
I've been thinking every morning for the past few days I would wake up to a dead lyrtail.
At night he is swimming upside down, running into the glass and trying to hide in the front of the tank with is face stuck in the corner.
It used to hang out with my Pink Spotted Watchman (since its buddy died a year ago) but don't anymore.
In the morning/daytime it's normal, eats good...
My prams are all in check.

Any suggestions or ideas what's wrong with thus guy, it acts retarded!
Have you checked for stray voltage? That can make them go all crazy. If it's intermittent I'd wonder about the heater - that's one of the few devices that typically goes on and off at irregular times.

JennM;1004340 wrote: Have you checked for stray voltage? That can make them go all crazy. If it's intermittent I'd wonder about the heater - that's one of the few devices that typically goes on and off at irregular times.


Good thinking! I'll check that out today!!

like half us, he might just be missing a few[/QUOTE]

Lol, excellent thought!

Dang Jen, thank you!!
I lost him, just scooped it up with a net 5 minutes ago and sat down to post. It died :( looking perfect fat and healthy but had poop hanging out. Appeared it was constipated several times this week. If I could have I would have removed it from the DT and put in QT to treat but QT is full with new arrivals.

This really bothers me, it was about 2 years old. I haven't lost a fish (other than new) in years.
I'm feeding the same as always. Do you agree with my daily diet?

A variety of foods 2 times a day (at least) and nori is put in fresh daily.

1 x daily New Life Spectrum Pellets.
It's a mix due to fish size, Community & All Purpose 1mm and .5mm all purpose. If time is of the essence, it's the pellet mix again at night. 90% of the time for the 2nd feeding I alternate one of the foods below:
Reef Frenzy
Mysis or frozen Brine or a mix of both
Occasionally (about 25%) I'll add a few drops of Seachems Garlic Guard to the frozen foods.
All other tank inhabitants are Healthy, prams are all within in range...
I haven't changed or started anything new other than doing 15% weekly water changes rather than 20% biweekly. I did put in a new 40 watt UV bulb 3 weeks ago in Aqua UV and and new Eheim heater but that's it!
No stray voltage, checked when both heaters were running. Everything else in the tank is flourishing.
Do you see any problems or ???
Thank you
I've got 7 BEAUTIFUL healthy new fish in 29 gallon QT!! I'm worried and have no idea what or why this fish got sick! One thing I read that rang true was that fish got constipated when they didn't get their proper exercise. About a month ago this guy paired up with my Pink Spotted Watchman.

My Watchman doesn't swim around much it's lazy, always has been. Perhaps I spoiled it by feeding generously when I first brought it home, idk but it never leaves the bottom of the tank. I bought it because it was showing off for me at the fish store by spitting sand at me. It was swimming to the bottom getting a mouthful of sand, swimming back up to the middle of the tank perching and spitting it out at me. Once it got in my DT it never spit again. It does filter sand sometimes and it torments crabs... But no real exercise and the athia didn't swim enough either. It only left the Watchman at feeding time!

Do you think this could have killed it?
Well watchmen are bottom dwellers so that's normal for that fish.

Bummer about the Anthias. Hard to say what happened - but they don't come with a birth certificate, might have just been its time.

Hopefully your right Jen! It was "full grown" rather large for its species even.

grouper therapy;1005333 wrote: If you have a vortech it was probably it.

:eek: are you under the influence Dave, lol
JK but??

I've noticed your threads lately about Vortchs and I welcome you to stop over any time to see and hear mine. I'm only 10 minutes from you. I purchased both new (well I won one from ARC). My research provided highly positive reviews on there preformance and their compact size with no cord sold me.

Ive had zero problems that weren't users error and been 100% satisfied. I bathed one of them and Echotech took care of me! When I moved a year ago the foam covers that go over the wet side were lost. My RBTA evidently got uncomfortable in its "new" location and walked for the first time, unexpectedly. It was chopped up to bits but I still had its baby, (by the way I was saving it for you). I called eco-tech the next morning in a panic for new covers and they shipped me 12, overnight, free of cost!! Oh and they included some of their glue samples as well. Their customer service is second to none, IMO!
BTW my NEM hasn't split lately and is huge! I'd be happy to split it, if and when your ready. Let me know, it's a beauty!