Critter ID help


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Any Idea what this guy is. Have about 6 of them on my LR. They are about 1/4" in diameter and 1/2" long. Thanks.

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If they are hard tubes they are vermided snails, they put out a web to catch food. While they are not really harmful they multiple fast and they will cut your fingers to pieces and possible cut a fish if he is startled and bumps into them.:)
Raz0945;1063701 wrote: If they are hard tubes they are vermided snails, they put out a web to catch food. While they are not really harmful they multiple fast and they will cut your fingers to pieces and possible cut a fish if he is startled and bumps into them.:)

Wow, didn't know this! Knew the web part but not that it could cut you *_*

I'll have to google for better picture!

OP, did you start your tank with live rock or sand?
I started the tank with reefcleaner mined rock. These showed up on a piece of dead sps that had some kenya tree coral on it. They have since migrated or multiplied to the LR many inches from the original.
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I agree with Holley. Vermetid snails. They will grow everywhere. They are harmless, although very pointy and can cut you, if not careful!
I take a sharpe pointed knife and remove them, make sure you remove the base where the worm can hide!:D
Raz0945;1063722 wrote: I take a sharpe pointed knife and remove them, make sure you remove the base where the worm can hide!:D

I tend to leave them alone except if they are on my powerheads, then I break them off(which is when I generally get cut) I'll keep the knife thing in mind!
Yep, harmless, good filter feeders.

They only really become a nuisance if there are so many that they make the tank look like a haunted house with all the 'cobwebs' they string out to catch food particles.

And yeah the tubes are sharp, but most of us don't handle the rocks that much - just be aware of them.

I have yet to see any webs or anything come out of the end of the little critters. Is this a nocturnal habit?
Mostly, yes. Sometimes they 'fish' during the daytime too. That's probably why some folks opt to get rid of them because a lot of them can make the tank a bit unsightly.

I think they're cool - but then again I also like bristleworms and stuff like that so, um, yeah ;)
