Cube finally done!!!!


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Ok everything is moved to the cube and here are a few pics... And yes its a bare bottom.....
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He'll attach in a little bit if it bothers him. Always wanted a 90cube. Think it would be the perfect wrasse tank
This ones not so bad its about 50-55 gallons 24x24x19. I built the stand and canopy. It might be up for sale after the large tank is done.....
.....Hmmmmm.....Keep me in touch on that.
Know the feeling though. My tried and true 100g with everything will be on the market once I finally get my 180 up. Got everything for it but the return pump. Just waiting on my wife's job security to pan out since she is an accountant in the wood business. After that, It is on like a receding hairline
Smoothie;303282 wrote: .....Hmmmmm.....Keep me in touch on that.
Ill let you know it wont have a light or skimmer but tank stand canopy.... I was going to use it for a frag tank but things change... Just want to get back to the large tank and stop messing around. I still need to find some nice powerheads for the big tank....
What do ya need? My buddy has some koralia #3 and 4 hanging around. I'll be selling some too with my tank
I need something alot bigger than a koralia. More like two vortechs or tunze.
That is a realy good looking tank William. Did you move everything out of your 90 in there? I need some way to grow out frags. I want colonies.
LeeS;303337 wrote: That is a realy good looking tank William. Did you move everything out of your 90 in there? I need some way to grow out frags. I want colonies.

Yup moved everthing from the 90 gallon for a few months well I set up the large tank....
You got it all in there huh? Someone told me last night I think it's either Oceanic or Current in coming out with a 24x24x24 cube. About 60g I think. Definately gonna check out one of those.
Thanks LeeS it has been a long build for such a small tank but really wanted to make the transition easy. Now the 90 is gone and Ill be starting to build the stand for the big tank...
Thanks LeeS it has been a long build for such a small tank but really wanted to make the transition easy. Now the 90 is gone and Ill be starting to build the stand for the big tank... Plus Im waiting to here about some electrical work maybe...
Tank update..... Everything seems to be doing ok except the nitrates are higher than I wanted. Theres alot of rock inside the tank so theres got to be alot of water movement in there. I dont want to have any dead spots in the tank. The skimmer doesnt seem to be doing as well as it did on the 90 gallon but I raised it about 2 1/2" today lets see if theres a difference. More pics coming soon. And I didnt loose any fish but a couple small birdsnest frags and a small monte cap...