Curious question about frags


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I see alot of threads about frags for sale.....Since we are a hobby and friends for the most part, and the corals grow basically for (free)... and corals do need weeded out from time to time...

Why do people/you charge for them? We are a hobby and should help each other out and offer and give frags when we can..At least that's what I think.."I have some extra this or that"

If somebody's tank crashes, everyone offers free stuff to the victim...Then you see Frags for sale later on... and SMALL FRAGS at that for like $20 that I would never pay for in a fish store.....

Again, not banging people that do it, but I will never go there.....but always wondered why you Sell instead of Give?

One exception, when somebody is getting OUT of the hobby and selling everything, that a little different......

I agree. I am relatively new to the hobby but I can't imagine selling frags when the time comes. I am totally addicted to this hobby and want to promote it and help other people enjoy it as much as possible.
i agree and disagree sometimes we pay a ton of money for corals and we go way out of our way to get them. So if you are to sell a frag of that expensive coral to somewhat recover your cost I dont see that as a bad thing. Now some people without naming people sell things way over priced and I dont think that is right. I have never actually sold one of my corals but I have traded my corals for some LR and that worked well for everyone. I would love to see more trading or even donations to people just because well like you said we must trim our corals from time to time. Another thing is that alot of people like myself a recent college grad with my first real job money is tight and its hard to buy those expensive corals so if more people would give instead of sell im sure that would help alot of people in my situation.
<span style="color: black;">Many people do it to cover the cost of maintaining their systems or purchasing better equipment. I'm not positive, but I don't think many hobbyist are rolling around in money for fun (meaning this is a hobby which comes 2nd to many other expenses and savings). I don't see a problem with selling frags as long as they are priced right. I've been given frags several times, so there are some hobbyists out there that give for free. I've traded frags, given them away for free and I'll probably sell some in the future if needed.</span>
I'm all about trading frags but as AJ said, there are expenses in keeping a reef and I see no issues with selling frags as long as they are priced right.
I can guarantee that the frag money just goes into the pockets..There is no frag fund lying around and the $ goes to buy corals. Basically, I see them as a LFS what's the difference?

And if you don't sell the frags does that mean you won't buy more corals? Hell no...Everyone is addicted and we will buy more corals whenever we want.. I'm not rich, But I try to buy a colony every couple months or so...and within my little Canton area, have given away LOTS of coral frags.

It's a promote it by giving to the less fortunate...if your just out of college like some say..Here's a frag...Happy graduation...Now go get a job..:)
I'm all for providing frags to the group in a way that is fair. If you feel the need to give out frags I'm all for it, but I don't hold anything against those that sell them.

If you are skilled enough to grow out frags in the first place that is an effort and an accomplishment. You have spent a lot of time and money to get to that point. The money spent on suppliments, electricity, equipment, etc... could not be made up selling 20 frags at 20 bucks a piece.

If you manage to grow out corals to the point that they are fraggable then by all means trade them, sell them, give them away if the price is too high then they just won't sell.

I know that if i were to sell my frags I would put that money right back into my tank. Any money that I put into my tank I try to keep in my tank so I would definitly use it to buy equipment or more corals.
washowi;29776 wrote: I can guarantee that the frag money just goes into the pockets..There is no frag fund lying around and the $ goes to buy corals.

Even if the money goes into your pocket, it still indirectly being used for your tank when you make your next coral or equipment purchase.
I've received, given, traded and sold frags... it def. feels good to give and feels great to receive; but I don't think everyone should deserve free frags. (At least not unless people can verify they know what they're doing.) My feeling is that while we do try to educate people here in the club and beyond, there are probably way more people who rush into it w/o doing the proper research.

There could potentially be tons more livestock and coral deaths if people just frag and give away w/o knowing what the receivers' systems are like. I usually will trade and share frags with people I know well who have established systems. It's harder to share when I don't know if the frags will survive. I feel like sometimes having a price tag helps ensure they take better care of it than if it were free.
kappaknight;29781 wrote: I've received, given, traded and sold frags... it def. feels good to give and feels great to receive; but I don't think everyone should deserve free frags. (At least not unless people can verify they know what they're doing.) My feeling is that while we do try to educate people here in the club and beyond, there are probably way more people who rush into it w/o doing the proper research.

There could potentially be tons more livestock and coral deaths if people just frag and give away w/o knowing what the receivers' systems are like. I usually will trade and share frags with people I know well who have successful systems. It's harder to share when I don't know if they'll survive and I feel like sometimes the price will at least ensure they take better care of it than if it's free.

That is a great point. I'm more willing to give away frags to those that are in the club and I communicate with regularly and they know what they are doing. There are a few folks in the club if asked for a few frags from my system I would be willing to give instead of charging or trading.

yeah I agree with Kappa on that point I certainly would want to make sure that the frag will survive and thrive. And yes definitly receiving free frags is great :) George gave me a candy cane frag with 3 heads at my first meeting in Jan. and it now has 8 heads and is doing great probably one of my favorite corals and it was a freebie thanks again George! If we can encourage more giving that would be great but selling at a fair price is still cool with me some of my best corals are frags I bought from other members.
I agree with Wei also. (How about giving me a frag of that new ORA you just bought???? :yes: )

Seriously, I have no problem selling frags and no problem with people giving them away or bartering for other stuff they might need.

Like was said above, if the frags are priced too high, no one will buy them, so no harm done. All of us put alot of money into this "hobby" (obsession), so trying to get alittle of it back here and there helps offset some of the costs.

I see it as beneficial both ways.

1. The seller has to clean out his tank every now and then and now gets to make some money for his hardwork and care by selling his frags.

2. The buyer gets good quality frags that have been successfully grown in a tank for a fraction of what you can buy it in the LFS or online.

It's a win/win situation.

I definitely don't mind giving stuff away myself, but I also plan on selling some of my frags when the time comes.

I would rather buy a frag from someone local and be able to see the mother colony, check for disease first and get it for a reasonable price, knowing it is doing well in captivity, then buy online or in a LFS.
kappaknight;29781 wrote: I've received, given, traded and sold frags... it def. feels good to give and feels great to receive; but I don't think everyone should deserve free frags. (At least not unless people can verify they know what they're doing.) My feeling is that while we do try to educate people here in the club and beyond, there are probably way more people who rush into it w/o doing the proper research.

There could potentially be tons more livestock and coral deaths if people just frag and give away w/o knowing what the receivers' systems are like. I usually will trade and share frags with people I know well who have established systems. It's harder to share when I don't know if the frags will survive. I feel like sometimes having a price tag helps ensure they take better care of it than if it were free.

I agree with statement.
Stroid;29779 wrote: I know that if i were to sell my frags I would put that money right back into my tank. Any money that I put into my tank I try to keep in my tank so I would definitly use it to buy equipment or more corals.

Then why not trade the frags at the LFS for store credit to offset the costs?

But for your some love.:)
Maveri9720;29800 wrote: I

I would rather buy a frag from someone local and be able to see the mother colony, check for disease first and get it for a reasonable price, knowing it is doing well in captivity, then buy online or in a LFS.

See - right there I don't agree don't want to support your local fish store? Man. I could never do that.....

Imagine Ocean has come to my help and aid more than once..I know I can always count on Jennifer for help if I needed it....

But that's each his own
Maybe this Canton area group is a little tighter since we are all close to each other and hang out....But I haven't seen any of us charge for frags.....

Once again, this is not to belittle or shame anyone..just wondering why we would charge our friends?
washowi;29802 wrote: Then why not trade the frags at the LFS for store credit to offset the costs?

But for your some love.:)
i hear what your saying but I usually get most of my frags from other ARC members and i buy my fish, water, supplies and other random things from my LFS. The only store ive bought coral from is Capp Bay and that is one of my best corals as well. For me it is more economical to trade and buy from other ARC members. But I do see your point.
Some lfs sell to just anyone and are not always cared for . i would much rather get my frag from a local member cause they will be honest with you because they care what happens to the frag most of the time.
I think people should be able to do whatever they want. this is an expensive hobby and if you recoup the cost so be it. I can tell you though that I have given away both dry goods and corals only to see them being sold a few months later when that person(s) decided they no longer want to be in the hobby.