Curious question about frags

Everyone knows this is an exspensive hobby. That's not what is in question. The fact I see is that no matter what you have to pay those bills and buy that salt. Why do we buy it? So we can have all the pretty colors in our tanks day after day instead of diving in the ocean.

I went snokeling as a Boy Scout and saw the coral reefs near the keys. It was fun wish I could go back and do that atleast would love to scuba but I digress.

You would be paying those bills no matter if you were fragging or not. Now if you bought plugs to put them on and asked for 50 cents to pay for that plug then more power to you.

When you bought your corals did you get them in the mindset "Hey I can get this and break even every month?"

It would be like fixing up a car and then using it as a taxi so you could pay for the parts you put in it.(Okay maybe I'm going a bit overboard with simile)

Charging for them or even posting that there is a price on them would be a great way to weedout people that don't need to get them anyways. Or even saying you are charging one price and then just almost giving it away went the person picks it up.

Right not I don't have a nice tank but to me its worth more then the cost of the upkeep. So anything that needs to come out of it is icing on the cake that needs to be shared.

Before you say that it cost such and such to run your tank how much did it cost you to make that frag?

I don't have lot of cash, but I love this hobby and the way my tank looks even though its not the nicest its mine. Its worth every freaking penny I put in it even the reoccurings ones.
Enjoy the rest your forums people...

I am thru with this.

Try to have fun and spice up a boring place....then attacked/

The AJC is open for business
washowi;29992 wrote: You attacked by bring up my lifestyle...How and what I do with my money is nobody's business but mine. I am trying to keep it friendly but, theses comments like Us against Todd....Todd has so much moneys..Dude that is personal attacks,

How bout saying that to me personally at the next meeting....

First off, when is telling someone they have alot of money a personal attack?

Secondly, I didn't originally say that it was us against you. That was another poster, followed by someone else agreeing with him and then I agreed with both of them.

Thirdly, nowhere did I insult you. Only said that you must have alot of money if you don't need the money for selling frags to offset your tank costs. I can always use money. This hobby is expensive, so anywhere I can get some back is great, but obviously you don't need that money, so where is that attacking you?

And are you now threatening me??? Over a thread???
washowi;29995 wrote: Try to have fun and spice up a boring place....then attacked.

No one in this entire post attacked you anywhere. I have no idea where you got this from. If you wanted to stir things up and make things more exciting, then you need to learn to accept other people's opinions and views on things, even though they may differ from your's.