cutting a RBTA

Be careful with the powerhead to the foot it stressed my last nem and it died
Very true.. Glad you brought that up.. If a 'nem tears its foot it pretty much is a battle you won't win. I was asking calfo about that. Cutting vs Tearing.. I fine nice clean cut will heal but a jagged tear won't. He compared it to being cut with a scapel vs a dog bite
twistoflime;237017 wrote: Ok just wondering. I might have to cut mine also. It's gettting to big for my tank.
diane, if i was you i would just leave it alone and let nature take care of it because it is 1 more thing that can go wrong and your tank is new and just enjoy it.
glxtrix;237011 wrote: Another good way is to put an ice cube in a zip lock bag....stick your hand in the water and put it on the foot. They don't care for the change in temp so they will/should move. Once they start to move they will either fully let go or yo can slowly pull it off.....slow though, you don't want to tear the foot.
I have some frozen RO water in my freezer for that reason. I won't need the bag. I think I'm gonna give it a shot this weekend...
MvM;236673 wrote: I'm thinking of cutting my flame 'nem in half, it's just too big for my tank. I've heard it's actually pretty easy. I would place the 2 'nems in a critter container for close monitoring to make sure thay both heal. Has anyone tried this?

Did you cut it yet?