Cycling question?


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I am starting a cycle with dead shrimp all parameters are good well sg in 1.024 and ph is 8.1 temp is 78 to 80. I put shrimp in Thursday two weeks ago ammonia is spiked out and staying there for over a week. The system is 175 gallons with BB and diy live rock so very dead rock right now. How long does the ammonia part of the cycle last before I start seeing nitrites in the cycle. Do I need to do anything or just wait it out. I have been waiting on everything so far so that is not a problem. I built the stand and canopy. Built my own led lights from rapid led. And made my own rock an waited 5 months for them I cure. I just want to make sure there is nothing left but waiting. All help would be appreciated
Just have to wait it out. Should see ammonia start to drop and nitrites begin to rise in the not too distant future.
That is what I thought but this is the first tank I've cycled without any live rock or live sand so I was just cover my bases thanks

Big Boy 175 gallon system
Since the rock was dead it is going to take a bit. There was no bacteria there and 1 rotting shrimp is a huge bioload. If it were me, I would add an airstone to help introduce bacteria and support O2 rate,
Does not matter... Personally I would go in the sump since you are wanting fine bubbles and who wants that in their tank right now?!?

If you can get a LONG airline tube to an outside door or window that would be best (Plus it will help with PH long term) Just make sure that no one fertilizes your lawn or sprays for bugs why the airline tube is exposed to outside air. (If so you can add a sock filled with carbon to the outside end of the tube)

But the bacteria that you seek is in the air so in theory, the more air that you introduce the more bacteria that you introduce. Also, the bacteria like high O2 (this is why a bio-wheel works on a filter). You kill kill two birds with one stone.
Well I added a Venturi pump to the sump with a air line ran to the outside air we will see if that make a difference

Big Boy 175 gallon system
Let me know.. At the very least, long term it would help with PH. Again, just make sure no one sprays anything near that tube (pesticides or fertilizer)
How long should a run it until full cycle is over or after nitrites appear in the test

Big Boy 175 gallon system
If you can run the airline there full time forever I would. Again the outside air is good for PH since it is lower in CO2 than the inside air. There might be a slight concern with temp in the winter but that concern is slight IMHO.

I usually let the tank run an extra week after the cycle is over before I add any fish but that is me personally. I usually start to QT my fish when the Ammonia is around 0, NO2 is close to 0 and NO3 is about 20-40.. That gives me time to QT the fish before I add them to the tank.
Not a problem.. Let me know how it goes.. Remember that good things take time in this hobby. You can do it quick but mistakes generally cost a lot of money in equipment and errors. I am cheap and time is free so I like that! :)
I have been getting this tank ready for three years I am not in any hurry I promise you that
What brand of test kit are you using?

I'd suggest using Seachem Stability, especially if you're using dead rock. Stability is beneficial bacteria in spore form and it will help populate the tank with those beneficial bacteria.

Every tank is different so there's no stock answer for how long a cycle will take, but if you still have ammonia but haven't seen nitrite after 2 weeks, it seems to be "stalled".

Would not a little bit of live rock help get things going for you. It could help seed your other rock.