Cycling skimmer questions


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Added about 100# of LR & 40# live sand to the system 9 days ago (90 gal cube w/ 20 gal sump) and have had 0 ammonia, nitrite, nitrate. Ran with lights (EcoTech LED pro) off until yesterday. How long does it generally take to start seeing a spike in ammonia? LR is covered with small, feathery tube worms (maybe?), and they are out and seem fine... Should we add something to decay in the tank (I've read about adding a grocery bought shrimp)? Ph is steady at 8.1, alkalinity is dropping 3.5 - 2.5 in about 3 days. Haven't tested for anything else. Temp remains constant at 80 deg, and SG is 1.025.

Skimmer is a SRO 1000 int - manufacturer recommends 2-4 weeks to 'dial in'; I can't get desirable or even consistent production of foam! Unit is placed in about 5.5" of water in the sump - any deeper and it just goes crazy... Produces many microbubbles at the base of the unit, but the bubbles are large at the top of the neck. No foam in the collection cup, only a yellowish liquid. Any ideas or suggestions? Making small adjustments daily depending on results so far... :bash2:
Without a bio-load, it won't have much to skim. You'll be pulling out goop once you get some fish in.