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So in the tank i just set up.....the only thing that is new is the water.

I used:

1) LS from my old tank that I kept in SW and with flow and heat since I moved.
2) LR from an established tank
3) Filter pads from the tank where I QT'ed the LR for about 1 month (has tons of pods and critters)

However, all 37 gallons of water is new question is, do you think I'll cycle? When should I test to find out?

cool thanks. I would think so as well, I was just worried since the sand got all stirred up transferring from tank to tank.
Yeah, that doesn't mean you're cycled. If the sand wasn't kept at proper temp, or washed before reusing (due to improper storing) very well could get a cycle due to die off. I'd keep your eye on the parms just in case.
glxtrix;190463 wrote: Yeah, that doesn't mean you're cycled. If the sand wasn't kept at proper temp, or washed before reusing (due to improper storing) very well could get a cycle due to die off. I'd keep your eye on the parms just in case.

Agreed Lee, pls keep an eye out on you parameters.
Also remember that cycled or not, the tank is pretty barren right now. Giving the pod/critter population time to flourish before adding predators might be a good thing in the long run.
yeah you guys prtty much confirmed what I was thinking. Ill give it some time. The pod population is pretty high though as the rock I got came from an established tank and in addition it was sitting in a tank with no predators in it for about a month. I fed phyto in that tank too.

Of course, you can always underestimate your pod pop. Luckily, no manadarins going in here. Although I would like a six line.