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RULE!! Thats really all I have to say about it. My corals think so too:

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Cool pics! Has anyone noticed any difference between the frozen stuff versus that which comes in the can at room temperature? Just curious as I've only used frozen, but believe the can is much cheaper.

I haven't used the frozen stuff.. I have used both the flakes (my fish love it) and the powdered stuff (which my corals love).
I was dosing 2-3 times per week. Is that what you guys are doing?

usually 1-2 x per week with cyclopeese, 2-3 x per week with DTs
maureen3177 wrote: Cool pics! Has anyone noticed any difference between the frozen stuff versus that which comes in the can at room temperature? Just curious as I've only used frozen, but believe the can is much cheaper.
Yeah- the dry version is much stinkier! :yuk:

But the corals do seem to respond better to the freeze-dried version...
I use the frozen bar, for some reason I thought I head that it has more to offer than the freeze-dried ones, but I dont know if there is any truth behind it. I dose about 2-3x's a week.
Hell I use it everyday. I did use the frozen, but Jenn have one big *** can left on her shelf and and she gave me a deal on it. I use one of those plastic spoons for picnics. "One heaping spoon a day keeps the predators at bay."

Jenn is nice like that. I haven't used the dry stuff, but my fish and corals love the freeze dried.

I've always used cyclopeze and DT's with good results. I have a ten gallon reef at the moment that gets both almost daily. Currently there are no fish, but there are three shrimps, and a bunch of crabs, snails, starfish, and corals to feed. I also just started using Hikari frozen rotifers. I looked in last night and my pod population is exploding! Once I put a fish back in there (letting it lay fallow due to deseased fish), it's gonna get real fat real quick!
hey jesse do you notice any algea issues with dosin DT's everyday? I fed my 10 DT's every other day and it seemed to have given me an algea bloom, and I did change water every weekend.
I get a light dusting of brown diatoms from time to time, but nothing major at all, and it usually is gone by morning thanks to the clean up critters. because of the size of the tank and relative ease of maintenance, I usually do a weekly 40% water change, major vacuum, and blow off the rocks, clean the filter, etc. (I enjoy working on it, obviously). I think the key is don't dose too much. I dose maybe up to the first two threads in the cap. I think as long as there's a little available at all times, and it all gets consumed, it should stay relatively balanced with proper upkeep. the recent explosion of pods and mysis are evidence to me that it is indeed getting consumed. Of course I understand that that also introduces a lot of organic matter into the system, but I feel it can be easily removed before it becomes a problem with the weekly changes/vacuuming.
I give my 120g frozen Cyclopeze as well. I think my corals like it??? *shrug* I have never dosed the DT green water but I sometimes add a little DT Oyster Eggs to the tank too. :)
I've used the cyclopeeze but I have to say I've never seen any of my sps actually capture one and eat it. I've tried to spot feed with a turkey baster and the stuff just floats right by the corals and their polyps. Has anyone ever seen their sps polyps "grab" a cyclopeeze?
generally the sps with the larger polyps can grab it, cyclopeeze is one of the larger filter feeder foods. But if your corals dont eat it, its also wonderful food for the fish or anyother filter feeders in your tank.