Hello there. This thread will be documenting a research/passion project that I have been developing for the past year or so, involving the coral Cynarina* lacrymalis.
All of my spawning data is collected from this one research paper from the 90's, so I've not got much to work on besides egg size, count, & spawning periods. Thus, the first year or so of this project will be observation and testing, after which I will attach a kriesel to the display to catch eggs come next spring.
The setup in question will be a 40g long maintained at 73f most of the year, spiking up to 76-77f in the late spring to coincide with spawning release dates. I plan to test out a variety of different foods to see if there is any noticeable difference across egg quality & count.
This is a 100% personally-funded project. I planned to use money from the frag swap, but since I was unable to attend I will make due with what I have. if any vendors or importers would be willing to partner with me, I would be eternally grateful as my current budget limits me to brown and green specimens which, while beautiful, will most likely produce offspring of the same color. But who knows, this is the first time anyone's attempted this as far as I know. After success (or just completion) of this project, I hope to move on to Cynarina macassariensis (=Indophyllia) or Acanthophyllia deshayesiana, whichever works out best.
This thread may go stagnant from time to time, but rest assured something will always be happening behind the scenes. If I'm successful, then I may be bringing captive-bred Cynarina to future 2023-2024 frag swaps!
Thanks for tuning in and following along! Have a nice day and God bless.
*Pronounced KIN-uh-REE-nuh, after the Latin Kinara, or artichoke. Cynarina = artichoke-like.
All of my spawning data is collected from this one research paper from the 90's, so I've not got much to work on besides egg size, count, & spawning periods. Thus, the first year or so of this project will be observation and testing, after which I will attach a kriesel to the display to catch eggs come next spring.
The setup in question will be a 40g long maintained at 73f most of the year, spiking up to 76-77f in the late spring to coincide with spawning release dates. I plan to test out a variety of different foods to see if there is any noticeable difference across egg quality & count.
This is a 100% personally-funded project. I planned to use money from the frag swap, but since I was unable to attend I will make due with what I have. if any vendors or importers would be willing to partner with me, I would be eternally grateful as my current budget limits me to brown and green specimens which, while beautiful, will most likely produce offspring of the same color. But who knows, this is the first time anyone's attempted this as far as I know. After success (or just completion) of this project, I hope to move on to Cynarina macassariensis (=Indophyllia) or Acanthophyllia deshayesiana, whichever works out best.
This thread may go stagnant from time to time, but rest assured something will always be happening behind the scenes. If I'm successful, then I may be bringing captive-bred Cynarina to future 2023-2024 frag swaps!
Thanks for tuning in and following along! Have a nice day and God bless.
*Pronounced KIN-uh-REE-nuh, after the Latin Kinara, or artichoke. Cynarina = artichoke-like.