Dan's 210 Build

Just trying to eliminate the check valve bouncing. I am not sure if it matters either way, but am wondering if there is a preferred location.
Just seeing this, sorry for the late reply. The check valve should go close to the sump. I'd be temped to put a true union ball valve above it. It will make maintenance of the check much easier.
Thanks! I currently have it setup just above the waterline of my sump with a union on each side. The location is good other than it is behind the sump, mail king the 36 inch reach a struggle to get to. New location will be easier to get to.
I picked up a Jebao 20000 pump which should give enough turnover to my sump and is adjustable as well. Going the route of using my Vectra M1 as a recirculating pump in the DT. Between the two I should have plenty of flow using less energy than my current setup that uses a Barracuuda pump in the basement. The new setup will accommodate the Barracuuda or Hammerhead if needed.

This will leave me with one overflow instead of two. The Reef Synergy overflow is rated from 400 to 2500gph each. I currently have the Barracuuda running unthrottled, which should be around 2800 gph at 12 ft of head, so I am likely exceeding the rated flow for the overflow a little atm without issue. For reference, at one time I was running the Hammerhead unthrottled with two of these overflows. The only reason I changed the impeller was to reduce energy use. That would have been around 4,500 gph at 12 ft through two overflows.

The Jebao is rated around 3500 gph max at 12 ft of head, so I will dial it back considerably. I have not researched the amount it can be dialed down, but an older and smaller one I had would go as little as 35% if I remember right. I am sure at 12 ft of head the flow reduction is not a direct percentage matching the pump setting, but I am guessing it to be close enough to gauge for my needs. I am targeting around 1150 gph through my sump, the capacity of one of my sea swirls. If I cannot dial it back enough, I will add a couple of small lock line jets pointing down the back of the tank behind the rock to bleed off some of the flow.

Nothing really new here, just documenting my rebuild. If anyone sees major flaws in my plans, please speak up, all input is appreciated!
Plumbing pretty much complete, I just have to tie in to the current plumbing from the first floor when I move the sump.

The plan is to use my 240 as a peninsula at the left tape box with a small office where my old sump area was located. Sump goes at the right partial tape box.

I am thinking of dressing up and reusing my Apex box instead of rebuilding it. The Apex goes on the wall between the new panel behind the sump and the peninsula. I may just paint and add a box for my Dos units. Wires would go out the side with plenty of space to hide them. I definitely want to do a much better job of wire management with the new setup.image.jpgimage.jpg
Looks like I am chasing leaks now.

When I moved my sump today I found a good size crack around one of the bulkheads in the bottom that was the discharge to the pump. I tried cleaning, drying, and sealing it but it drips pretty fast. Guess I am going to Home Depot tomorrow for some acrylic that I can reline the bottom around the bulkhead - then redrill. Not too much work, but work that was not planned.

My guess is this crack was the culprit that caused water to wick up the drywall, not me being sloppy with the hose downs of the sump area. The sump was actually salt stuck to the stand, I had to gently pry it loose.

I cobbled a temporary sump out of an empty 120 long I have, it actually works rather well for temporary.

I dropped the new Jebao pump in the 120 tank for the return pump - very easy since it was submersible. Gotta say, I wish I had swapped pumps a long time ago. This is MUCH quieter than my old pump. I do not have my recirculating pump setup on the DT yet, but that will be a piece of cake, hopefully I can wrap it up tomorrow as well.

Since I built the new sump bench long enough to add my frag tank, it makes me wonder if I should just pickup a 180 or another 6 foot tank to use as a sump with a frag area. It would end up being a cleaner install, but I am not sure if I want my frag tank always tied to my DT - I like the ability to separate it when I get new corals. Decisions decisions....lol
Plumbing pretty much complete, I just have to tie in to the current plumbing from the first floor when I move the sump.

The plan is to use my 240 as a peninsula at the left tape box with a small office where my old sump area was located. Sump goes at the right partial tape box.

I am thinking of dressing up and reusing my Apex box instead of rebuilding it. The Apex goes on the wall between the new panel behind the sump and the peninsula. I may just paint and add a box for my Dos units. Wires would go out the side with plenty of space to hide them. I definitely want to do a much better job of wire management with the new setup.
all those cables in that mess would drive me crazy haha
tank looks good though!
Looks like I am chasing leaks now.

When I moved my sump today I found a good size crack around one of the bulkheads in the bottom that was the discharge to the pump. I tried cleaning, drying, and sealing it but it drips pretty fast. Guess I am going to Home Depot tomorrow for some acrylic that I can reline the bottom around the bulkhead - then redrill. Not too much work, but work that was not planned.

My guess is this crack was the culprit that caused water to wick up the drywall, not me being sloppy with the hose downs of the sump area. The sump was actually salt stuck to the stand, I had to gently pry it loose.

I cobbled a temporary sump out of an empty 120 long I have, it actually works rather well for temporary.

I dropped the new Jebao pump in the 120 tank for the return pump - very easy since it was submersible. Gotta say, I wish I had swapped pumps a long time ago. This is MUCH quieter than my old pump. I do not have my recirculating pump setup on the DT yet, but that will be a piece of cake, hopefully I can wrap it up tomorrow as well.

Since I built the new sump bench long enough to add my frag tank, it makes me wonder if I should just pickup a 180 or another 6 foot tank to use as a sump with a frag area. It would end up being a cleaner install, but I am not sure if I want my frag tank always tied to my DT - I like the ability to separate it when I get new corals. Decisions decisions....lol
Hey Dan, be sure any piping connected to bulkheads is fully supported. That could be a possible reason the acrylic cracked.

I hope your wife is doing better.
Finally got water running through the relocated sump and plan to move the apex over this week. I will post pics later today.

I am considering separating my apex equipment to two areas, those that need to be by the tank and equipment t that would be safer if it were further away.

As most of you already know, life can be an ever changing rollercoaster😜. I lost my job, got Covid (should be clear soon), and am set to build my next home starting in a few months. Starting my new job as soon as I am out of quarantine! Blessings come from the most unexpected places!

I was fully vaccinated, which appears to have reduced the symptoms dramatically. I was terrified of getting Covid with my severe asthma and am glad to be almost over it with little issue. My wife was one of the first to get Covid and managed to get it and pass it along to me. Her symptoms are similar to mine and quite easy to handle compared to her first round with Covid.

The sump room re-build will now be temporary, but I need to clean up my hobby messes before sale and plan to post everything except a qt tank for sale that I do not use in the temp build. I will leave this system up until we move into our new home. I will likely be moving my DT to the basement for house pics and sale.

Current water volume including sump is 430 gallons. The real estate agent said I will need to take my DT down since everyone will be concerned about the floors below. I will likely add my 240 back into the system for a few months then move everything to it and take down the 210 DT.

That’s all for now folks!
I still haven’t setup my apex auto change , kalk, and vinegar since moving my sump last month. I did however start feeding reefroids again and am actually doing more water change per week than I was on auto change.

Pics below are about 30 minutes after feeding and lights have started their ramp down. The anemone just starting to open back up. During feeding, the anemone shrinks sometimes and other times gets almost soccer ball size - not including the tentacles reaching out another 9 inches. I have tried different concentrations and flows with a baster, but feeding makes it larger about 1 out of 4 times. Other times it shrinks but gets thick tentacles. I will keep experimenting and wait to see if anyone else shares their knowledge on this.

I plan to start mysis againimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpg, maybe when I get my next bag of reefroids. Glad to be enjoying the tank more than just passing by it again. I did not use any filters or change my phone settings for these pics, I plan to take some better pics soon.
Looks like my sail fin and blue hippo decided to fight, they have each won once now. I did a big water change last night and dosed a little extra reef plus, Safe, and 25% of the daily dose of vinegar I stopped giving a while ago. Fed the tank and all looked well last night.

I woke up today and the tank was amazing looking! Then I noticed something so have not seen in a couple of years, my anemone split. I had forgotten that a large water change often makes anemones split. Hopefully both will make it and stop splitting, but I am I wanted a second anemone anyway. There is enough real estate for both of them on the same rock, I’m hoping they stay there -guess I’ll be watching to make sure they don’t get into trouble as they move around.

My filter does not work well on my iPhone 12 max. I will order some film to use over the lens me and take pics when it gets here.
Wish I had taken before and after pics of this but here is the aftermath…

Steadily Increasing feeding over a few months coupled with intentionally disconnecting my apex probes, dosing, and auto water changing setup led to a nutrient issue … as it should. I was starting to grow some thick algae mats on my equipment and saw some cyano start coming out of the sand. To address this, I did the following, quite sussessfully I might add.

First I reduced the feedings to once a week rather than 4 out of 7 days. Algae slowed but continued growing and cyano was starting to produce bubbles.

Next I started dosing vinegar by hand, starting at 50 ml/day and increasing to 300 ml/ day over 3 weeks. (Currently 320ish gallons total system) I could see definite improvements by the end of the first week of dosing. Now at week 3 and nobody could tell I ever had an algae outbreak!

Well, not entirely true…I did remove and scrub the algae from my pump and jets yesterday. However, I am proud to say my rock and sand are pristine again-I never touched either during the entire outbreak…pretty amazing!

I may see algae again, but I see no evidence of it anywhere in the tank and started getting the good white bacteria growth on my glass a couple days ago - Time to cut the vinegar dosing back until the white bacteria is no longer visible.

I moved my apex over to the new sump area and wired everything up but the two dos units, which I will hook up this weekend.

So how did I get here?

I stopped dosing while my dos was not in service to see how the tank fared. The system ran beautifully with no issues until I increased my feedings to 4 out of 7 days -it took about 2 weeks to start seeing the nutrient buildup symptoms when dosing more than every other day. I knew it would happen eventuallly, but am pleasantly surprised how easy it was to cleanup this time.

I started dosing vinegar a couple years ago when I was having high ph and algae issues. This time it cleaned the algae up the same as last time with the same white bacteria growth filling my socks and speckling the glass. I remembered to do sock changes every other day to keep up with the added bacteria load - preventing the bacteria growth on the outside of the socks that gets knocked off in the sump when changing. I could tell easily when the bacteria load started increasing by looking in my socks and later on the glass.

Vinegar dosing is my favorite nutrient overload cleaning method now.

I’m going to let the tank run with auto dosing for a week then start increasing the feedings again to see what happens. I am amazed how effective the vinegar dosing has been and do not intend to stop again.
Plain white distilled vinegar, Heinz Kroger, and many other brands. I have not found a plain white distilled vinegar I will not use. Not sure why, maybe the manufacturing process, but nobody seems to add stuff to the vinegar unless it is specifically advertised as a flavor agent-which I never see in stores.

I have read that using vinegar is almost identical to using vodka with two substantial differences. It takes 7 times the vinegar to achieve the same protein increase as vodka. The vinegar lowers the ph a little, which is something to be cautious of since most tanks run on the low end of the desirable ph.
I’ve made a lot more progress today in the “fish room” than I have in a long time! It is starting to come together, next is to add a new DOS to the QT tank to automate water changes then hookup the auto’s on both systems.

I picked up another batch of fish - it’s been a long time since the last added fish. These includine a blonde naso, powder brown tang, powder blue tang, two snowflake eels, one Picasso clown remaining, cleaner wrasses, red fire fish, royal dottybacks …and some other fish.

I picked up fish from a couple stores, same with added equipment like the new S9 on my old leaking 125 QT. ( wheel damage and another story later. I am planning to gonna this sometime).

While at Pure Reef, I mentioned I need a better water storage setup - well, low and behold, George has someone that needs to get rid of a 300 gallon storage tank at the best price - free! I’m going to give a couple of old tanks away soon to pay it forward. (None are pictured below ;-)

I need a few more cap blocks to finish out the base since I am adding stairs on one side, but it works great and is now fully clean, sterilized, and ready to go. I would like to find a matching tank. I’m told US Plastics may have one, not sure where they are located. I get a lot of random hits when I search for them.

US Plastics is one of many sources for water storage tanks like that. Just Google plastic water storage tanks and you'll find plenty. They're all resellers and not the manufacturers. When you're looking at online retailers, they list where the tanks ship from and they often will list Georgia. These tanks are made by Norwesco which is located in Griffin. Shipping on these tanks is often just as expensive as the tanks themselves. You can call the retailer and request to pick up direct from Norwesco and save a ton on shipping.
Guess I am not meant to have a blonde naso. This one prompted the whole new batch of fish and has been in QT for less than a week, now breathing heavy and lying on his side - most expensive fish I’ve bought yet, such a shame. He was eating and looking great till a couple days ago.4 times larger than the next largest fish and everyone has left the naso alone, not sure what happened. No visible markings or discoloration anywhere that I can see. Can’t imagine anything I could do to help the poor guy out.

All that were not lost by day 2 are doing nicely. The other 2 smaller tangs bought to help the entrance of the naso are doing great, I actually think they have become friends:-)

Setbacks happen, just gotta take it in stride as part of the hobby.
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Guess I am not meant to have a blonde naso. This one prompted the whole new batch of fish and has been in QT for less than a week, now breathing heavy and lying on his side - most expensive fish I’ve bought yet, such a shame. He was eating and looking great till a couple days ago.4 times larger than the next largest fish and everyone has left the naso alone, not sure what happened. No visible markings or discoloration anywhere that I can see. Can’t imagine anything I could do to help the poor guy out.

All that were not lost by day 2 are doing nicely. The other 2 smaller tangs bought to help the entrance of the naso are doing great, I actually think they have become friends:)

Setbacks happen, just gotta take it in stride as part of the hobby.
Is the Naso showing any signs of discoloration on its sides, kinda like a thumb print?