Death of a Copperband


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Last night I found my Copperband Butterfly lifeless and stuck to my ECO Mod'd MJ 1200 PH. I guess it had gotten sucked against it and couldn't get off and the shock killed it. It was swimming around fine yesterday morning and has been eating well since I bought it from Chrisjet. This quickly became one of my favorite fish, swimming gracefully around picking at rocks using its long snout. I now have to figure out a way to cover up the intake so this won't happen again because I am definitely getting another one soon. RIP little guy...enjoy your porcelain ride to where ever little fish go.:aww:
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It may not have been the pump. I hear these can die just by looking at their own shadow and getting scared. Beautiful fish though.
That sux Mark! I too bought a copperband from Chris. It is still in QT(2 wks), came down with some minor ICK. I am having a hard time getting him to eat frozen mysis shrimp too. He is eating a little but not as much as I wanted him to, bc if he was to be put into the main tank he wont' be able to compete.

They are HARD to train. He doesn't have problem eating aptasia and feather dusters though.
Sorry to hear about your loss. I doubt it was the powerhead. Usually fish don't get stuck to powerheads unless they are already deceased. Copperbands are some beautiful fish.

Sorry to hear about youe CB butterfly. Same exact thing happened to mine a week ago. My CB had destroyed all my Aiptasia and was eating prepared food. He was great! Got up one morning and found him stuck to my Maxijet intake(didn't have a screen on it). Man, what a bummer! I hope I can get another that will eat prepared food. I was so lucky. I feel your pain.
Corigan;109364 wrote: Sorry to hear about your loss. I doubt it was the powerhead. Usually fish don't get stuck to powerheads unless they are already deceased. Copperbands are some beautiful fish.

Happened to my baby clown fish all the time the MJ was just to strong. I would remove him from the intake and it would swim off. Eventually it did die from it :(
Thanks everyone! I doubt it died from something else but I'll never know. Hopefully the next one will be ok. I need to design something to go around the intakes on the ECO Mod'd MJ to prevent fish from getting stuck on the intakes. My puffer does it all the time but does it on purpose so he can stay in one place. It used to scare the crap out of him and he'd puff up.
Sorry Mark, I am glad I got to see it last week before it passed. That was one beautiful fish.