Hi, I'm Steve. Been out of the aquarium hobby for a little over 5 years, getting back in now. I have had many freshwater aquariums for many years, but only one very basic fish only salt water tank with an undergravel filter. I'm planning a small soft coral tank with just two clown fish and a Clean-up crew. I have put together a 29 long with 40 pounds of live aragonite sand, about 25 pounds of live rock and dead coral and a fluval 206 canister filter, with a power head for water movement. I used ro water and Instant Ocean salt. The Specifics gravity is 1.022 or 1.024 depending on which hydrometer I use. Temperature stays around 75, heater is not plugged in. It was filled on to 9, 18 days ago, so bot cycled yet. Ph started out about 8.2, but dropped to about 7.9, I got it backup to 8.2 by installing an air stone, but I don't want to continue with an air pump. I think from what I read I would like to get it up to about 8.4 before introducing fish, any suggestions on how I should do that? Any other comments on how to proceed would also be appreciated.
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