We are having a problem with the events post functionality of the site. RSVP here with number of people attending while we work to fix this.
When: Saturday March 1st 2025 1PM - 3:30PM
Where: North Decatur Presbyterian Church
Address: 611 Medlock Rd Decatur, GA 30033
Cost: Free, Please RSVP! (Current RSVP's - 99)
Raffle for supporting members @2:30 PM
We have 8 tickets to the Georgia Aquarium, we will draw winners for two sets of 4 tickets.
Lunch will be served - BBQ pork and chicken
Vendors and members include:
@Luis reef
We are happy to host Leon’s Lagoon from Sumter, SC!
We will setup a used equipment table for those that have things to either pass on or sell.
Event is posted on Facebook also:
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