Decided to get a membership.

I know what you mean man. It’s a good group of people! Don’t forget about the club discount at sponsored stores too; I went on Saturday and saved about $15 on a coral beauty and a royal gramma. Not too shabby for a $30 membership!
I know what you mean man. It’s a good group of people! Don’t forget about the club discount at sponsored stores too; I went on Saturday and saved about $15 on a coral beauty and a royal gramma. Not too shabby for a $30 membership!
I just finished my cycle so Im going to start stocking soon so the discount will def help. So far just got a pair of clowns and a tomini tang in QT.
I just finished my cycle so Im going to start stocking soon so the discount will def help. So far just got a pair of clowns and a tomini tang in QT.
Sounds like a plan 😎 I wish I would have known about the discount when I was starting my tank out 😅 you’re a lucky guy!
This forum has helped me and been great, ive been here for a while but never got a membership. Decided to go ahead and support this. Ive gotten more than $30 worth of advice here, so i feel the value it worth it.

Thank you for making the decision to support the club. This is exactly the kind of value we try to provide!
Thank you for making the decision to support the club. This is exactly the kind of value we try to provide!
It’s funny that you would comment in this after I was just talking about getting a royal gramma! I’m pretty sure I saw you say it was your favorite reef community fish, so that’s why it caught my eye when I was at Premier Aquatics 😂