Deciding Between Wrasses


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Hey Guys,

I need your help in deciding between three different wrasses. I am very hesitant because i've never bought a fish on the internet. I am planning on buying from Divers Den. Here are the candidates.

Mystery Wrasse $199.99
Eight Line Fairy Wrasse $129.99
Red Velvet Wrasse $79.99

I have a 75 gallon reef and I have kept one wrasse before. It was a Christmas wrasse and it was given to me. I had it for about 6 months and then it disapeared.

My tank is fairly new coming on 4 months. Do I need to wait before purchasing these fish? Do they need a more established aquarium environment?

I am just wondering what would be best for me and easiest to keep. I am very concerned because these are such expensive fish and I don't want one to die. But I wouldn't want any fish to die.

Any input would be greatly appriciated.

Happy New Year!:tongue2:
Personally I would not put a fish that expensive in a tank that hasnt been running <u>stable</u> for atleast a year
Do you guy's say this because a new tank is pretty unstable and you never know what can happen. Or do you guys say this because there wouldnt be enough things for him to eat? I have little patience lol.
Maroons15 said:
Do you guy's say this because a new tank is pretty unstable and you never know what can happen.


In my opinion WAITING is what reef keeping is all about. Someone once said that nothing happens fast in a reef. I agree 100%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good luck!
Maroons15 wrote: Do you guy's say this because a new tank is pretty unstable and you never know what can happen. Or do you guys say this because there wouldnt be enough things for him to eat? I have little patience lol.

<u>Both</u>... there are so many thing that happen in our tanks that we dont even see. I dont consider a tank stable until atleast 18months (and thats assuming proper husbandry up to that point). Ofcourse food is a worry as well... what happens if you buy a $100+ fish to find out its a pickey eater and will not accept manufactured foods?
Learn patience or be prepared to lose that much money on a gamble (and unfortunately risk the life of a rare species in the hobby).
Well put. I can wait. Are all of these species REALLY rare? Is that why there so expensive? I've never seen any of these fish at an LFS.
I agree with these guys. Considering the amount of money you are going to spend on this fish it would be best to wait until you tank has matured.
I'm not familiar enough with the species to know what the wild population is like but as far as what's available in the hobby, its a basic supply and demand. If you could find them at every LFS, they wouldn't be so expensive.
I've seen Mystery Wrasses at $199 at local metro LFSs during 2006. Ask Todd about whether they are finicky eaters; he bought one locally in '06.

I'd certainly first research whatever you're thinking about adding to your tank to determine if you have the appropriate environment, experience and patience to deal with it, <u>before</u> buying it and then figure out how to keep it alive. For example if you have any hermit crabs or shrimp in your tank, they'll become wonderful treats for these wrasses.

I'm glad to see that you're posting your questions here about which one is better. Supplementing our feedback with your own research is a winning combo IMHO.
Yes i've done some research and I think im going to go with the Red Velvet Wrasse. Thank's for all of your help especially Lifestudent!
Just bought another Mystery Wrasse favorite fish of all fishes.

They eat anything. Mine eats mysis, flake, and anything else I put in there. They will always get my vote for fishes.

However, You can get them cheaper the the $200 stated locally.
Thanks guys you've both talked to into the Mystery Wrasse. Now I need to talk my mom into letting me spen $200.00 on one. Todd where did you buy yours?