Devastated. .. to say the least....


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I recently moved and everything was going good with my tanks. Everything survived the move and was looking nice and healthy.... until I woke up this morning and front of my tank was busted out. :-( it was a 40 gallon tall with a 30 gallon plumbed under it. My only survivors are 2 clown a green chromis and my red mushrooms.... I am at a loss here and don't know what to do. I am broke after the move and can't afford to get more salt to keep the survivors alive. I'm feeling overwhelmed about all of this....
No this was not one of my builds. Just an old 40 I was given from another reefer.... it's been running fine for about 6 months. Just now decided to explode on me. I have another tank the poor servers are in I just don't have the salt to get it filled up and running. Hopefully I can figure something out soon.
Dang, if you were closer than Byron I could probably help you out.

Sorry to hear about that.
I appreciate the thought. I am getting some salt from another reefer here and hopefully can begin rebuilding soon.
BTW if anyone has an corals they are looking to give away please let me know. I also have about 200 pounds of live rock I can trade if need be
I don't know where Byron is but if you want to come to Decatur to get it I have an extra bag of IO you can have.
Just found my yellow watchman goby and my Rastas in a small pool of water under a rock! Goby still alive and hopefully the Rastas will be once I get the new tank set up.
I've got my rodi. Unit working overtime to fill up a 30 gallon trash pail. I shouldn't need more than about 25 gallons of water so hopefully by 12 today it will have it. If not I have prime at the ready to finish up the remaining bit of water
sorry to hear bud... if you want me to hold anything for you til you have $ to set up again and whatnot, lmk!

That's terrible! Glad to hear that at least something survived.

The rastas should bounce back OK - they can take quite some time exposed to air. Ditto for any other zoas/palythoa you had... I'd put them back in saltwater ASAP and see what makes it. They might be pissed off and stay closed for a few days but I've had a couple frags of them pull through from being left overnight on my garage table.

Good luck!
Yes. Everything was level. I even revealed the tank just to be safe in case things got shaken loose in the transport. It's odd how it busted though. It's a large chuck that busted in only the front of the tank.... like a v shape. It had to have seemed from the bottom since that's where the point of impact looks like... but none of my dogs were out to accidentally hit it. Just kind of looks like it got hit though. Right at the bottom front of the tank.... I guess things happen for a reason though. I have taken all my coral frags and placed them in water... the gsp. Zoas, and everything else. My maxi mini nem looks to have survived... but not 100 percent sure just yet... then I found 6 of my 50 hermit crabs still alive. All turbos died. My brittle star died. Gbta. And purple tipped condi died. Frogspawn, torch, hammer corals are dead. Any and all sps I had is gone. I'm mad as he!! About my acan. It's gone, candy canes are all gone. I have large Elkhorn that's gone. I probably had around 2000 dollars worth of coral that's just gone. My Tubbs blue and every lasting gobbstoppers. Dead, the more I go on with my list the more depressed I get. I had an entire frag tank going that I had in their until I get my workshop up and running... they are all gone. :-( anyone willing to frag small pieces of anything please let me know. If your in atl. I will plan a day trip up there if people are willing to help. :-( thanks everyone in advance for your thoughts and prayers. I never imagined this happening. 18 years in the aquarium hobby and this is the single most puzzling and devastating thing that has happen. I can't even figure out how it happened....
Hey man I work in Byron and live in Warner Robins. If you need help let me know. I've got about a third of a bucket of salt I think you can loan for now and I have plenty of room in my tank if you want me to hold something. I also have a 5 foot 120 in my garage that holds water but isn't pretty I'll sell you cheap if you want it. Give me a call or text whenever and I'm more than happy to help. I went through something like this not long ago.
Number is 314 437 4532. I'll pm too.
I actually did remove all the old silicon before I resealed. I had my 30 gallon temp. Tank setup for about a week and Half while I made the "repairs" to the 40 gallon that busted. But I will agree with the microfracture. Because I can't find any other reason why it broke. I got a 125 yesterday from a local guy who was generous enough to let me have it. I am going to get it scraped and resealed today. Hope to be set up next week. In the meantime I would like to inform everyone that the livestock I was able to save made it through the night. Everyone is swimming quite well now. Which is such a relief!! I will keep everyone informed about the corals and if they come back. There is still tissue on most of them so hopefully I can get some form of regeneration
Offer stands for the zoas & macro trimming donation (admittedly not "special/rare/deepwater/LE" zoas but they ARE attractive)... just let me know ahead of time so I can provide a healed-up frag or two.

The macroalgae? I always have bits floating around in the tank, and even a small handful of trimmings will grow out in decent lighting & flow.

With the LPS that still have tissue on them - keep 'em in moderate-to-low flow, lightly feed finely ground up foods and watch like a hawk for signs of brown jelly. Other than that they should grow back if parameters are kept stable. As for the zoas I'd just gently blow off any sloughing tissue with a pipette... no dips save possibly a couple short ones of Lugol's iodine-mixed-with-tankwater. IME zoas always seem to to better for me when they're left alone.
Ok well frogspawn had brown jelly coming out of the large heads. And there is one tiny tiny head that still has its full body!!!! But it takes a dang magnifying glass to see the separation of the tentacles
Just want to throw this out there, not saying it's the right thing to do or your only option, but in an event such as this, when most of the livestock is gone and the money just isn't there, it's okay to take a break. You can always get back in later on when the resources are available.
Well. I have my 30 gallon up and running. The fish are alive. I am going to leave this tank running as pretty much a species only reef. I have found a home for the green chromis. Since I only have one I'm going to give him to a local reefer who has a small school. This tank is going to be centered around the clownfish. I am going to nurse these corals back to life and get them healthy and then I will look into getting another gbta. But for now, thanks to the generosity of local reefers I am able to keep pushing through. The only reason resources weren't here is because I moved and took vacation. So the bank was drained.... however I have 2 tanks for sale and as soon as those go I will be setting up the 125 fowler system. I'm going to keep it small until a later time when I can afford to bump it back up. Thank you everyone for all the help and support!!! It speaks millions against everything I ever said in my rants and raves. You guys are wonderful! !!
Plus. All this time and money I've invested... no sir. Life goes on and when life gives you lemons. Make lemonade!!!! This gives me the opportunity to start fresh reevaluate and learn. I just bought a real protien skimmer last night! 10 Marineland powerheads and a pH probe. I am going to use some diy items but I'm also going to break down and stop looking for the cheap way around!!! While my diy worked great I can always implement then as secondary and backup equipment. Times to do this a different way. :)
Fortunately I still have my metal halides. So one of them is def. Going about this 30. :)