Devastated. .. to say the least....

I did. It was great once it had it filled and started the cycle. Then two days later the house I grew up in was offered to me at a price I couldn't say no to. So I had to take it down. It's sitting in my new workshop/fish - coral breeding space. I have a 22x20 workshop in my backyard that it fully air conditioned and heater and has its own electricity ran. I just have to throw up some insulation and drywall and I have new fish area!!!
Ok so here's a status update. I lost my one green chromis. Poor guy went belly up last night. And mysteriously when I left to go to Walmart my small male ocellaris clown decided to pull a disappearing act.... I have still yet to find him... I installed a 175 watt metal halide over the tank with a 14 watt 225 blue led panel as accent. I found my blue mushrooms, 6 heads of trumpet have already started growing back, there is 3 new heads of frogspawn, my Duncan has a sliver of lime green meat growing back. My favia is returning back to its pretty colors, the gorgonia, birdsnest, all 4 Monti species, and my spongadode has all bleached out. And my green apple acro is toated. :-( on the plus side I found everybody else and all my LPS and softies are starting to regerate. I also found my curly q nem and the macro mini carpet nem is back to its beautiful color versus the ugly brown it had turned. I am going to try and get my 125 filled today. We will see how well that goes. I am also going to do a 2nd 30 gallon and make it a species only reef with maroon lightning clowns. My attempt is going to be plumbing the 2 30 gallons together in a 40 gallon sump to increase my water volume to a 100 gallon setup so I can provide plenty of water capacity to completely stock both 30 gallon with as much coral as possible. Any suggestions on compatible tank mates. Nothing too big. The clowns/nem will be the center forefront of each tank. But I can do a few other small species of fish and some colorful. But stationary corals. I would like to have nems to have the most movement to draw your eye to it.
Glad to see that there's signs of life. with a little judicious cutting to clean up dead heads you'll likely not be able to tell anything bad happened to your trumpets within a few months. Ditto the frogspawn - target feed it a couple times a week and new heads will pop up all over it.

New livestock suggestions:
I've recently been bit by the rock flower anemone bug... they're great when you just want a little extra pop in a particular place - bonus that they don't usually wander much, can be put on rock or substrate/bottom of tank and not too pricey if you do your shopping carefully. (pst... they ship well and come from the Caribbean so there's a fair number of direct from diver sale options).

If you can't guess from the avatar pic - I like porcelain crabs. Bonus in that collection season for them is getting into full swing - you can find 'em locally for around $8-10 each and they're pretty peaceful + tend to leave corals alone. Plus they're filter feeders - if you're trying to heal up a tankful of wounded coral with extra feedings it'll be handy to have something help with the surplus food.