Diamond Tipped Drill Bits


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Anybody have a 3.25" bit? Or any bit for drilling glass and the moxy to drill a tank that's sitting on a stand and half filled with water... :blush:
walmart sells the diamond tipped dremel kit. It has two bits and works great.
Sprayin70;30477 wrote: walmart sells the diamond tipped dremel kit. It has two bits and works great.

the key word there is "sells." I'm holding out for "borrow" from a friendly fellow reefer... :D or at least paying via a couple of beers... :)

I appreciate the input though, I may have to end up going that route...

I am NOT brave enough to drill your tank, but I can lay my hands on a Dremel, the tile cutting guide (keeps the tool perpendicular to the surface), and the tile cutting bit which will cut glass well.

The Dremel is my brother's, but I bought those two attachments, so the Dremel is the only part that *has* to come back intact and in shape.

I'm in Smyrna, off Atlanta Road near the Perimeter.
George;30485 wrote: Matt,

I am NOT brave enough to drill your tank, but I can lay my hands on a Dremel, the tile cutting guide (keeps the tool perpendicular to the surface), and the tile cutting bit which will cut glass well.

The Dremel is my brother's, but I bought those two attachments, so the Dremel is the only part that *has* to come back intact and in shape.

I'm in Smyrna, off Atlanta Road near the Perimeter.

neither am i, i plan to be drunk when some foo... er, individual, starts drilling the side of the tank... :yay:

only kidding, this is a last ditch thing that may not even happen, i have to verify some closed loop info w/ anthony calfo first... and I may just end up going w/ a different pump and doing the CL over the top... we shall see.

really appreciate the offer and I'll keep it in mind!



The dremel tile cutting bit, does it require the glass to be wet?
I have drilled at least 10 holes in glass tanks... I have used the Dremel bits and hole saws. Water is essential.

Some folks use Plumber's Putty in a circle around where the hole will be to make a little "pond". I use a spray bottle and let it drain off.

I did find large diamond hole saws on-line. I'll see what the largest one I have is, but I think it is around 2.5 inches or so. It was a Harbor Freight or one of those companies I bought them from. Pretty cheap, actually.

What I have often done is use a smaller hole saw with a diamond "drum" bit, basically a cylinder about 1 inch in diameter covered with grit in a standard drill, and just grind the hole out to the required size.

The Dremel thing never worked that well for me... No real problems, but it was always very slow, and I had trouble keeping the hole "round". I did have it chip out once, but was able to grind that crack out within the limits of the bulkhead I was using. Plus, my electric drill is battery operated, while my Dremel is not.

You probably know, but be sure your tank is not tempered glass. I had two nearly identical (so I thought) 55's I drilled... one was tempered, one was not. The Tempered one I drilled last. Really impressive to see the entire side of a 55 vaporize. Oh, and that reminds me: be sure to use safety glasses and perhaps gloves.


MattTVI;30817 wrote: George,

The dremel tile cutting bit, does it require the glass to be wet?
Nice drilling advice ^^.
MattTVI;30456 wrote: Anybody have a 3.25" bit? Or any bit for drilling glass and the moxy to drill a tank that's sitting on a stand and half filled with water... :blush:

So I take it you're not going to empty out all your inhabitants before drilling?
I have several bits (hole saw bits) but the largest is 1 5/8 (normally used with a 1 inch bulkhead. If that will work for you, I can even drill it. However, we have to drill from the outside (so that the mess and glass dust will fall out side the tank). this means that it would have to be in a position so that we could get to the back (i.e. not against a wall). And you would have to continously spray (with a spray bottle) water while I drill.

I don't recommend it. But, I have been in a tight a time or two myself.

Everything could possibly go wrong, but I haven't broken one yet.

I would exhaust all other options first.

But, the offer is on the table...:sick:

FutureInterest;30919 wrote: Nice drilling advice ^^.

So I take it you're not going to empty out all your inhabitants before drilling?

The fish and 80% of the water will likely be in a 55g drumb... the only other inhabitant is a anenome who lives close to the bottom of the tank.

I appreciate the offer! I think someone is going to do it for me, and we're ordering the bit from THK (Lau). The stand covers 2x sides of the tank, so the drilling is taking place w/ about 20" of space. Plenty for the drill... hopefully plenty for the driller... :)

thanks again,
