Digitate Hydroids...


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I used to have maybe 1 or 2 of these lil buggers. Melev's site says they're fairly reef safe and essentially harmless so I let them be... They've multiplied quite a bit and some of my corals aren't opening up where there are digitates in range. As such, I'm declaring war on them. Anyone have any experience with these lil nasties? Last night I started spreading kalk on any that I could reach and those seem to be less prevalent this morning...

I've heard that peppermints might help with them as well... There are quite a few that I can't reach. Anyone have problems with peppermints attacking the anenomes you want to keep?

Thx in advance.
Peppermints do not really attack anenomes... The worse they do to my BTAs is steal food. I sware to god a peppermint is not going to be as fast as he thinks he is an one of the BTAs is going to get him one day. But they do not harm them at all..
I used to have a plague of hydroids. Most frustrating of all was trying to convince some LFS staff/owners that a "hydroid" was an actual animal.

Ultimately, the only way I got rid of them was aggressive skimming and rock scrubbing. Nothing I found or researched ate them.
I think certain limpets will eat them. But finding the right limpit is the rub. Like George said, get out the scrub brush and elbow grease.
:( Oh well, further research seems to agree that there is no magic bullet for these buggers. There goes my weekend... God I love this hobby... sometimes. Thx guys for the advice :).