Corals gone Wild! Jin's guide to coral on coral interaction.

I learned today that Candy Cane beats Birdsnest easily.

Hopefully I got to it in time for it to heal.
cr500_af;377538 wrote: I learned today that Candy Cane beats Birdsnest easily.

Hopefully I got to it in time for it to heal.

but chalice beats Candy Cane, just happened yesterday
I personally find it interesting that the assumption is automatically post padding versus someone thinking that the information is actually useful especially considering that they are new to not only the forum but also perhaps the hobby....I never knew that these data points become stale...however is it possible that this mis-labeling or quick trigger labeling inhibits new post/dialogue from newbies.... JMO
Ike Renfro;644032 wrote: I personally find it interesting that the assumption is automatically post padding versus someone thinking that the information is actually useful especially considering that they are new to not only the forum but also perhaps the hobby....I never knew that these data points become stale...however is it possible that this mis-labeling or quick trigger labeling inhibits new post/dialogue from newbies.... JMO

Hes posting great info on each thread seconds after each other. I'm pretty sure he did not read this at all.
We don't know that...i remember someone incorrectly ping me for pad posting... and the thing that got me upset was that I actually READ all the pages and left a comment... Im sure this isn't the right forum for this but at the end of the day there has to be a better and more effective way of policing versus assuming....
Sure guy. It's pretty obvious. You can see times they post. Times they signed on and so on. If it wasn't padding I'm sure he would say it's not or talk to a admin. People do this daily.
@beccam10 i dont disagree with that however to the point that I'm making about potential mis-labeling I'm not sure that serves as a barometer on ones intent....
Great thread. Would love to hear more on Lps. And maybe even algeas

Edit: And how about softies touching Acro

And leathers.

Keep it coming
I've got a RBTA that has moved pretty close to a birds nest. I haven't noticed any ill effects yet, but should I move the birds nest just in case? With my luck, as soon as I do, the nem will move again...

I had a hermit knock a Hawkins Blue frag into a Pearlberry. Within 12 hours, the Pearlberry was completely bleached.