Dino vs. Cyno -Need Help!

Roy the Fish Man

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I need help! I have an outbreak of something in my 20 gallon nano cube. I don't know whether it is dinos or cyno. It generally covers my rocks in sheets as opposed to looking hairy or snotty/with bubbles. It is kind of deep purplish/dark brown in color. I tried the Dr. Tim's regimen (with the blackout) and it seemed to decrease what ever it is but it did not eliminate it. And it came back. My nitrates are low (near) zero as are my phosphates. I am thinking of making my water "dirtier" (raising nitrates and phosphates) as I have read on various forums that dirty water might help. My alkalinity is about 8.0. I have read that pushing it to 8.3-8.4 might help. I have attached pictures (admittedly taken with my phone - one of a lob and one of my rocks). I tried to get a closer/more in focus picture of the blob but my phone would not focus that closely. Salinity is 1.026. I have a small Innovative Marine UV unit but it does not seem to help much. No skimmer but lots of Matrix. Running carbon, Purigen and Chemipure Elite. Corals are growing fine but I worry about the slime/blob taking over and stressing them at some point. Thoughts? Thanks!!!


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IMO - your nutrients are too low and need to come up a little.

I would remove the purigen and chemipure - half of each at a time several days apart so you don't shock your nems or other stuff.

For me - raising the nutrients levels a little bit will get rid it.
Thanks! I had read that raising nutrients some would help. On the Matrix front, I probably have 2+ liters in the back chamber - I have a Waterbox 20 cube. I also have about 25 pounds of reasonably dense rock in the tank. Do you think I should also remove some of the Matrix - gradually? I admit that I am sucker for biological filtration. Maybe I have too much for such a small tank? I have 3 fish in the tank - all relatively small. I am newbie to the saltwater world from freshwater and in the freshwater world, the more biological filtration you had the better. Just curious on your thoughts. Thanks again!