DIY 20L with 20L Refugium


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Well i'm going to try and make this a post with a good amount of pictures so new members such as myself will be able to see actual examples of what things look like. As i was searching a lot of the DIY tutorials were missing pictures so if you weren't sure what they were describing it was hard to understand it. I will accredit most of my design to this link Travis at this link for his help to us beginners:">;pagenumber=1</a>

Ok now a little bit about myself: I am a college student who's roommates got fish tanks 1 fresh water and the other salt water. Well i've been helping them out with theirs just because i enjoy the hobby. Once i caught the itch it was a little frustrating when our opinions on how the tank should look or what fish they should get differed i decided it was time to invest in my own tank. [IMG]" alt="" />

Originally i was going to follow the previous link i posted and do a 10G tank with just a basic sump, but then i started looking into it and decided to go with a 10G tank and 10G refugium. Then my friend told me PetCo was having a dollar a gallon sale so i ended up with two 20L tanks. I am very pleased with the 20L look because i'm going to have plenty of horizontal ledges to put coral on.

Another reason for this post is to show my progress and get feedback on my decision on equipment and design.

By the way I don't really suggest any of these techniques based on safety. Complete these steps with safety in mind.

So far the initial plan:

Tank : 20L + 20L refugium

Refugium design:
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Bulkhead Design:

Decided to go with external durso, from what i understand it is quieter.

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expanded view, will have vinyl tube and PVC barb at the end

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I plan on building my own, with a lighting canopy. Refugium will obviously be inside the bottom of the stand and i will hopefully be able to make the stand to where it will not extend to far sideways from the tank (if that makes any sense" alt="" /> )

Ok here is a picture i was trying to show how i plan on keeping the stand the exact width of the tank. I put the vertical supports on the front and back of the stand because i figured it wouldn't matter if i had extra space on the back. Then i plan on having the decorative board overlap the tank just enough to cover the black plastic. So here goes:

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Ok well its getting late and i actually started drilling the hole in my tank but i figured I would start the thread while i was waiting for my dremel to recharge. here are a few sneak previews.

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Going to continue tomorrow will try and update during down times.

This is actually from another site that i'm writing it on so if i don't update here i will there:
louis;74434 wrote: looking at this was a waste of my precious time.

You know, that just flat out AINT COOL at all man. I mean, if someone comes on this board to share what they have done, then you ought to respect that. I'm pretty **** new here, but at least I have the respect to know when to keep my mouth shut. If you don't have something nice to say, then why bother posting at all?

wjyeager, keep up the good work. If you have any questions about drilling holes, or setting up the tank, feel free to PM me. I might be new here in ATL, but this isn't my first rodeo so to speak. I'd be glad to help you out where I can.
louis;74434 wrote: looking at this was a waste of my precious time.

Louis I am assuming you know this guy and you are just joking.

WJyeager - Welcome to ARC! You will find tremendous knowledge here. Your first post looks great and all the pics are awesome! Please keep it going, I will follow your thread. I am also building a 20g setup for mt daughters room :) Good Luck :yay:
lol, don't get your panties bunched up there TAftonomos. I've known billy aka yeagerman for almost 10 years. Its called sarcasm. I would never be rude to someone I wasn't friends with. If it wasn't for me he wouldn't be on this forum or in the hobby at all. Chris thank you for using common sense and assuming correctly.
no prob i figured that was the case. Louis you have to be careful about expressing yourself on this forum because there is a small group of people that some of us refer to as "ARC NAZI'S"!!! They will tell on you, they will start thread wars with you, they will especially blow things out of proportion. So tread lightly my friend. Now back to wjyeagers build thread :)
lol, yea i'll make side warning signs for sarcasm from now on. I want the fish forum world to be peaceful and happy... That is after i take out the Nazi invasion.
Thanks guys...i will keep updating i'm at work right now but i will be home later to hopefully either work on the stand or the in tank overflow.
Its rainy out right now and probably will be for the rest of the weekend but i will definately try and work on it as much as possible. But i'm also interested in your input...i was planning on using a maxi-jet 1200 on a 10g and 10g but now that i'm doing a 20L and 20L i was wondering what your suggestions would be for a return pump from my refuge to the tank?
if u go to petsmart u can get one called a quietone pump, like a 200 for like 20-30 bucks and i have had mine for like 8 months with no problems, they work really well and the name is what it is, i have a mag 5 as my return on my frag tank and it is alot louder than the quietone
billy why are you making excuses? You get outside right now and start cutting your wood. I don't want to hear you whine about electrocution or how it my be slippery outside. Excuses are for wusses. Aquariums or die. You live by that.
I was struck by lighting

I was in my metal garage, with a drop cord ran from the house to operate several power tools during a thunderstorm..........

I was so surprised when I got struck by lightning
billy I already told you this but I'm gonna post it on here so people can use it as a reference. You cannot use a mj1200 due to head loss. You have a height difference between your sump and tank of 4ft. I suggested you use a mag5 with 2 returns or a quiet one 3000 with 2 returns. The mag will give you about 250 gph and the quiet will give you about 550 gph. I suggest the quiet one b/c it may give you enough pressure so you won't have to use a powerhead; but maybe not. Plus IMO the larger the turnover rate the better. RC has a head loss calculator on there website.
Alright well i got to work on it a little tonight after work. Tonight i got into the part that was a little tricky for me. I'm in college and don't have access to too many tools. Luckily my roommate has a few clutch power tools" alt="" />

First off i started by getting my 6" Diameter PVC pipe for my overflow. Luckily my pipe came with one level side so i used that for the bottom. I measured 11 3/4" up from the bottom. (measure twice cut once) I used a manual miter saw just for accuracy. Wasn't too bad.

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Then i measured about how far my bulkhead would stick out from the back of the tank. Since i don't have it secured down yet i left a little extra room for it. I measured it at 3 1/4" off the glass but i'm sure it will push down to 3" once its glued together. Just in case i cut the pipe so i had 3 1/2" so it could have a little room. I measure this off using a 90 degree triangle and just drew a straight line down. Then since i'm not cutting the pipe exactly in the middle i drew a line between the two points. This will ensure the pipe will sit flush against the glass. Once you get your lines drawn its time to start cutting. Securing the PVC seemed to be a bit of an issue but we figured out a decent way to complete this. We had one person sit in a chair and hold the pipe between his feet and had a second person cut with a jig saw. (jig saw worked wonders just make sure you use a wood/plastic blade)

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As you can see in the pictures above i also measured out the cuts i'm making into the top. I measured them 1" apart going around the top, and then 10 1/2" from the bottom. Remember to measure from the bottom because your top might not be level(I learned the hard way) because if they are all not the same height from the bottom the overflow will be different for each cut(remember measure twice cut once); therefore, either making it too fast or too slow. I didn't pick 10 1/2" for any particular reason so i would just use your best judgment when building your tank. Once you make the measurements it's time to start cutting. I first started out by drilling holes with a 5/32" drill bit right at the 10 1/2" mark i had made. Once i had my holes drilled i used the jig saw again to make a cut on either side of the drilled hole so it made a 5/32" line from the top to the hole.

Measure lines
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Cut lines with 5/32" gap in between
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Once you have finished all of your cutting it is time to start painting. I grabbed a can of glossy black krylon spraypaint from walmart. took all of the pvc parts that were going to be inside my tank to paint them black. First step is to clean them. my 6" pvc was sitting outside for awhile before i got it so it was pretty dirty. I took a little soap to it and it was very usable. After cleaning just give them a few coats paint. I believe i'm going to give mine 4-5. The best part about this krylon is it dried in 15 minutes." alt="" />

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Alright I think that is it for tonight i will let you guys know when i get to work on it again...Sorry that i wasn't able to do too many detailed step by step pictures but if i didn't make anything clear let me know and i'll try to clarify.
I've been told it is. Its krylon spray paint. The guy that created the original aquarium used it a lot so i'm assuming. Its specifically designed to bond to plastic so...we'll see i guess.