DIY ALK Monitor + Dosing

Justin Ranke

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Hey Guys,

So first off I want to make it clear that I have no Idea what I am doing.

A few weeks ago I came across a post on another reefing Forum of a individual that created his own DIY Reef Monitor. After reading through the post, I thought the idea was extremely interesting and I wanted to give it a shot. I have a background in the ATM Industry and used to manage a small tech repair center, so I have a basic knowledge of electronic components and how they all function. I built a DIY PH Monitor and overall that seemed to work perfectly fine, so I figured why not give it a shot and put my limited knowledge to the test. Everything I know about electronic components is self-taught, and I have received 0 training.

My Goal: To create a Alkalinity Monitor that records ALK 4 Times a Day and sends me email notifications of the results collected. Once I get this device functional, I plan to incorporate a 2 part dosing unit that will dose 2 part based off the results it collects. I will be using AI to help design, code, and troubleshoot the entire process, and to showcase some of the capabilites of implementing AI for DIY Projects.

I am on no Timeframe to get this done, so there may be some weeks I have multiple updates, and there are going to be some weeks where I may not work on it all. My schedule is pretty busy, however I really wanted to document this process because I thought others may find it interesting!

For anybody that is thinking about trying this themselves my recommendation is wait until I finish before starting your own. I will be posting by trial and error, so im sure there will be mistakes in the process.

Lets see how this goes!
I wouldn't mind having a digital pH monitor I can drop in my freshwater tanks to take reading from. I have a little pen device, but the calibration routine is such a pain I don't usually bother with it, and just use test strips, since if I'm testing pH, I might as well get a read on everything else while I'm at it.

I'm fortunate to have an Apex, so I don't need an Alk monitor, but I'm still very interested to see how this plays out, and what else could be done with it. Presuming you're going to run it thru a Raspberry Pi?
I wouldn't mind having a digital pH monitor I can drop in my freshwater tanks to take reading from. I have a little pen device, but the calibration routine is such a pain I don't usually bother with it, and just use test strips, since if I'm testing pH, I might as well get a read on everything else while I'm at it.

I'm fortunate to have an Apex, so I don't need an Alk monitor, but I'm still very interested to see how this plays out, and what else could be done with it. Presuming you're going to run it thru a Raspberry Pi?

I actually have a Apex as well! I hated the constant troubleshooting I had to do, and once I upgraded it was a nightmare trying to get it set up again. It never read consistently for me. And I cant fork out another 600 for a Trident...

Not running it through Raspberry PI. All we be done through Arduino IDE.

Well, as I recently said in a post on another forum, based on my experience in the oil & gas industry, you should never rely absolutely on a single gauging system - having a secondary never hurts, to be sure.