I took a look at http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1847474">THIS THREAD ON REEF CENTRAL</a> and decided that I'd try my hand at it...
Here are the results (and a couple pictures of the process..
(no need to duplicate the step by step instructions because the post above is an excellent resource)
In the case of my cable (purchased el-cheap-o on Ebay), My pin/color assignments were:
PIN # - Wire Assignment (used as)
Pin 1 - Brown (switch input)
Pin 2 - Red (switch input)
Pin 3 - Orange (switch input)
Pin 4 - Yellow (switch input)
Pin 5 - Green (switch input)
Pin 6 - Blue (switch input)
Pin 7 - Purple (not used)
Pin 8 - Black (ground)
When I wired the tombstones, I used pins 3 & 4 on the jack so that it corresponded to the center two pins on the RJ11 connectors that I had.
obviously, the black ground wire connects all the #3 pins on the jacks to each other and to the ground wire from the cable.
The breakout box works by sensing a closed circuit (or open circuit) along any of the six inputs (and the ground). When the circuit along that line is triggered open/closed... the apex does whatever the assigned action is (start a pump, stop a pump, sound an alarm, turn on a light, turn off a light, etc...)
It's pretty simple. Once you know which pins are associated with which wires on your individual cable (99% of them are like mine or substitute a grey wire for my black wire), you're good to go..
Several other people in the thread linked above have other examples of where they made their own breakout box... (including [IMG]http://www.atlantareefclub.org/forums/showthread.php?t=51941">Angiegreenwell</a> on this site)
I spent less than $15, but I had the tools and the RJ11 connectors already.. (I also make up my own Cat5 Ethernet/phone/coax cables)
<fieldset class="gc-fieldset">
<legend> Attached files </legend> [IMG]http://atlantareefclub.org/boards/data/uploads/attachments/629254=29791-DIY Breakout Box 02.jpg>
class="gc-images" title="DIY Breakout Box 02.jpg[/IMG] style="max-width:300px" /></a>
class="gc-images" title="DIY Breakout Box 03.jpg[/IMG] style="max-width:300px" /></a>
class="gc-images" title="DIY Breakout Box 04.jpg[/IMG] style="max-width:300px" /></a>
class="gc-images" title="DIY Breakout Box 05.jpg[/IMG] style="max-width:300px" /></a>
class="gc-images" title="DIY Breakout Box 07.jpg[/IMG] style="max-width:300px" /></a>
class="gc-images" title="DIY Breakout Box 08.jpg[/IMG] style="max-width:300px" /></a>
class="gc-images" title="DIY Breakout Box 09.jpg[/IMG] style="max-width:300px" /></a>
class="gc-images" title="DIY Breakout Box 10.jpg[/IMG] style="max-width:300px" /></a> </fieldset>
Here are the results (and a couple pictures of the process..
(no need to duplicate the step by step instructions because the post above is an excellent resource)
In the case of my cable (purchased el-cheap-o on Ebay), My pin/color assignments were:
PIN # - Wire Assignment (used as)
Pin 1 - Brown (switch input)
Pin 2 - Red (switch input)
Pin 3 - Orange (switch input)
Pin 4 - Yellow (switch input)
Pin 5 - Green (switch input)
Pin 6 - Blue (switch input)
Pin 7 - Purple (not used)
Pin 8 - Black (ground)
When I wired the tombstones, I used pins 3 & 4 on the jack so that it corresponded to the center two pins on the RJ11 connectors that I had.
obviously, the black ground wire connects all the #3 pins on the jacks to each other and to the ground wire from the cable.
The breakout box works by sensing a closed circuit (or open circuit) along any of the six inputs (and the ground). When the circuit along that line is triggered open/closed... the apex does whatever the assigned action is (start a pump, stop a pump, sound an alarm, turn on a light, turn off a light, etc...)
It's pretty simple. Once you know which pins are associated with which wires on your individual cable (99% of them are like mine or substitute a grey wire for my black wire), you're good to go..
Several other people in the thread linked above have other examples of where they made their own breakout box... (including [IMG]http://www.atlantareefclub.org/forums/showthread.php?t=51941">Angiegreenwell</a> on this site)
I spent less than $15, but I had the tools and the RJ11 connectors already.. (I also make up my own Cat5 Ethernet/phone/coax cables)
<fieldset class="gc-fieldset">
<legend> Attached files </legend> [IMG]http://atlantareefclub.org/boards/data/uploads/attachments/629254=29791-DIY Breakout Box 02.jpg>