DIY Chiller Project

I actually have a 10,000 btu(5/6hp ish) window a/c unit I was going to hookup to a titanium chiller barrel, and never got around to it since my current setup doesnt get that hot to need it.

TEC's are good for low space cooling where a compressor system simply wont work. They are not very efficient once you get larger systems.

For that same 550w you want you can be running a 1/2hp chiller that will do what you want and a used one can be found for about $400

Or spend $200 on a chiller barrel, $100 on a window unit and get a a/c guy to come hook it up and charge it and you will have a 3/4-1hp chiller for the same price.

and BTW that claim of 1-2 degrees on a 40g system for the iceprobe is total BS, its closer to half that unless your blowing your a/c vent right on the heatsink.
ArrIbeAPirate;749158 wrote: I know this thread is kinda old... but I have a quick question...

would aluminum alloy be a safe metal to use for piping?

Aluminum corrodes like crazy in saltwater...