DIY Kalk Stirrer


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Before I make a whole thread about how i built it. Can someone tell me if it's actually working correctly? Here's a video <div class="gc_ifarem_title"></div><iframe style="width: 70%; height: 400px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto" src=""></iframe>
Looks pretty good. What kind of motor are you using? Need a close up picture of the mechanism. My Deltec motor konk out and trying to figure out how to fix it.
It looks something like this......."></a>

I built one of these about a month ago and so far I am happy with the way it works.

how did you get the lid watertight, where the rod comes in?
LilRobb;634140 wrote: Ahhh,

how did you get the lid watertight, where the rod comes in?

I just used epoxy on all the holes, but the water level never reaches the top so there's no need for it to be water tight. The rod in the center is rigid airline tubing which you can only really get at Petco
You really should make that airtight or all the calciumhydroxide will turn into calciumcarbonate and become insoluable in water...
The CO2 in the air will cause this...
lilrobb;634226 wrote: you really should make that airtight or all the calciumhydroxide will turn into calciumcarbonate and become insoluable in water...
The co2 in the air will cause this...

Rob's right. If you weren't stirring you would develop a film of the insoluble material and thus stop the reaction with the CO2 found in the air. If you don't do something, the potency of the Kalk is going to be reduced. Bear in mind your barrier doesn't need to be air tight (though that would be best) It just needs to greatly reduce the exposure to "fresh" air.