New Cuttlefish - Thanks Liz

hzheng33;1043366 wrote: I have heard that hermit crabs are compatible with certain cuttlefish. for corals, softies and lps are ok. incidentally, what type of cuttlefish is this?

Sepia Bandensis
We all loved him at the store! Glad he went to a great home!
You are so welcome!!! He looks great and I am very happy to see that he is out and eating!!
He still a little irritable when I come near the tank as you can see here. Flashing and flaring at me. I try to stay far away but have been purposefully in the area so he become more and more familiar and comfortable. I suspect as he identifies food with me this will slowly subside.

Attempting to warn me</a>
can you pm me price and setup info when u get a chance? Thanks Jesse!
My wife and I saw the cuttlefishes at Premier a couple times, but they were gone when we last went. They are so cool! Glad to see that one went to a good home.
man im glad you finally got one. any idea of the age? it looks to be mature so im guessing at least 3-4 months. also how many ghost shrimp are you feeding it every day?