DIY Sump using 10 gal

So if I ran a 10 gal sump with later on adding a 10 gal regium would that work better than just having a ten or is it not worth it running two sumps?

Count me in the camp of "you can never have too much total water volume). I'm running a 40 breeder for my 48 gallon display tank. You definitely want that 20L if you can!

I wouldn't recommend going with a separate 10 gal for a refugium. For that to work, you will have to somehow get water to/from the fuge tank. That will mean more $$$, and more complexity (which means more possibilities for failure).

The only other option for mechanical filtration (other than filter sock / cup) are the roller-type units. These use a continuous roll of filter material, so you don't have to mess with it more than every 2-3 months when you change a roll. The other advantage is that they just sit in the bottom (or hang on the side) of your sump... so you don't have to try to mount a sock holder. To me, the more open the sump design the more flexible it is to add components later. The drawback, of course, is that these roller filters aren't cheap. But I'm definitely kicking myself for building the sump so that it can't really accommodate a roller now :/

I would take SilentDeath's offer on free glass. Acrylic is nice/safe to work with (you can use standard wood working tools), but you really need to use the good stuff, and it's not cheap. Some might say it's overkill, but I always use cell-cast acrylic. If you want to go that route, you can get it from Professional Plastics near Six Flags - definitely cheaper to pick it up than to pay shipping!
with a 20g long you will have enuff room for a refugium, protein skimmer, heater, uv filter....all in one sump
will it be here tomorrow, as I mentioned on a family trip to Orlando driving back at the moment so idk if we could fit a 20 in the car with luggage and 5 of us .
Lol so my mom didnt want me to spend 20 dollars on the sump and instead she wants me to buy my friends 50 gallon that comes with a free 30 gallon and she came up with the brilliant idea of using the 30 gallon as a sump ! Good idea?Bad idea?
Lol so my mom didnt want me to spend 20 dollars on the sump and instead she wants me to buy my friends 50 gallon that comes with a free 30 gallon and she came up with the brilliant idea of using the 30 gallon as a sump ! Good idea?Bad idea?
I think your mom may be onto something there youngreefer! Mom always knows best! :)
So if I ran a 10 gal sump with later on adding a 10 gal regium would that work better than just having a ten or is it not worth it running two sumps?

Lots of people run a remote ( or stand alone) refugium. The answer is dependent upon your space constraints. Will two 10’s fit under a 30?

it’s already been said, but more water volume tends to lead to more stability. I always vote for the larger of the feasible options.