DIY Tank Sump


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Picked up my 180g tank Saturday. I am almost finished building the stand. It will be an in-wall so the stand does not have to look pretty. Once the stand is done and I have leveled and shimmed the tank & stand, I will be building the sump. I am using my old 55g tank for a sump. I just need to glue in the baffles and eggcrate. By the way, where do you get the eggcrate material? Home Depot?

See you all tomorrow I hope.
Yes, Home depot sells it in the building supplies section where the acoustical ceiling grid is.
Here's my sump drawing. I think I wont divide the first chamber though. If I divided it, my skimmer might not fit.
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BTW, When you get the eggcrate... Don't get the silver (mirror look) stuff. It looks great, but it flakes off. It is just a plating... get the white.

You may want to think about adding one more divider on the last set of baffles. It will help lift micro bubbles away from the pump, if there are any that make it to the second set of baffles. The design look great though.
When you say "shim the tank and stand" I hope you are not putting shims between the tank and the stand... That can cause pressue points and crack your tank...
Yes, actually they said to be sure to place shimms in any gaps that are present between the stand and the tank at the corners and middle. I have a 12X12 piece of vinyl that I plan on cutting and using as shimms as per their suggestion. Man I hope I don't screw this up. :unsure:
If the top of your stand is not perfectly flat (whose is?) then I would place a piece of styrofoam insulation (like the stuff they use for houses, you can get a 4X8 ft piece at home depot) between the stand and the tank. It will help even out any imperfections in the stand and the tank and also allow the tank to automatically level itself out and remove pressure points. Do not place shims bewteen your tank and stand.
I have plans for a 135 canopy and stand. You'd have to beef it up for a 210. PM if you want the plans.
Trigger - Emailing them now

hng - Thanks for the info. :yay: I am so glad to have you guys here at ARC to help me with this new hobby.
the pink or the silver yellow stuff?

hng wrote: If the top of your stand is not perfectly flat (whose is?) then I would place a piece of styrofoam insulation (like the stuff they use for houses, you can get a 4X8 ft piece at home depot) between the stand and the tank. It will help even out any imperfections in the stand and the tank and also allow the tank to automatically level itself out and remove pressure points. Do not place shims bewteen your tank and stand.
Under "all" of my tanks... I put a a piece of very dense foam rubber. You buy it at HD ow Lowes in the shelving section. It is designed to line those metal shelves that you put in your closet. it is about a 1/4 inch thick, easy to cut with a razor and very dense. it doesn't look like it is compressing until the tank is almost full (< 100 gallons, as i've never had a bigger one).

I'm to the point now where I wouldn't set up a tank with out it.
