Do I have spiders in my tank?


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I was checking on my fish and corals and noticed somehting strange floating on top of the water. They looked like tiny little carcases of some kind of bug. I thought they were dead since they were on top of the water (like water bugs do at a lake). But last night, I found two more and dipped my finger in to get it out and when I got it out, it is ALIVE! They are tiny little light brownish colored spider looking creatures, legs, small body - just like a spider would look. I just lost two clownfish on Sunday and my yellow tang died Monday of black ich. Is this related to black ich? I am a newbie and my friend who set up for me (ARC member also) has no idea what these things could be. I looked at the isopod discussion and they do not look like that. Any ideas? What do I need to do to treat? All of my corals are doing great and I have one blue damselfish remaining and it seems fine too.

Heartbroken, no longer prissy tang....
Sorry for your losses. I agree with Big D, I would think this is an outside source. Check around your tank for any evidence. Eww I hate spiders!!
Big D;38571 wrote: <span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;">Not sure if this is the site you looked at for an ID or not, if not than this might help if they are swimmers...</span>

<span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;">">Link </a><<<---</span>

<span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;">Big D</span>[/QUOTE]

Doesn't look like any of these, and I doubt I will be able to take a picture because they are very small. I will check around the tank for spider webs, maybe there was one and spider eggs hatched or something and fell in.....eeewwww!!! :shout:
does it look like this??

glxtrix;38586 wrote: does it look like this??"></a>[/QUOTE]

EEEwwwww! Not really. Unless the picture just makes it look more scary that it looked on my finger. There were probably 50 at once, so I skimmed and suctioned to get a many out as I could. Then the next night I only saw a couple. Will check again tonight. Will probably do water change this weekend anyway just in case. Thanks!
OK, I cleaned my filter, changed out all foam, charcoal, etc. with new hoping to eradicate the "spiders". This morning, had just a few - but they are stil there. OMG!!! Could these be something from the sand or live rock that was living and I didn't know it?

On another note, I bought a cleaner shrimp yesterday and when I got him and put him in the tank, I noticed he was missing two legs on one side. He has 3 on one side, and only 1 on the other. He also has a broken antennae. Will his legs and antennae grow back or should I take him back to the pet store?
prissy_tang;38988 wrote: OK, I cleaned my filter, changed out all foam, charcoal, etc. with new hoping to eradicate the "spiders". This morning, had just a few - but they are stil there. OMG!!! Could these be something from the sand or live rock that was living and I didn't know it?

On another note, I bought a cleaner shrimp yesterday and when I got him and put him in the tank, I noticed he was missing two legs on one side. He has 3 on one side, and only 1 on the other. He also has a broken antennae. Will his legs and antennae grow back or should I take him back to the pet store?

<span style="font-family: Times New Roman;"><span style="font-size: 13px;"> :eeek: Mutant spider attacks! AHHHHH!!! lol :eek: </span></span>
Big D;39004 wrote: <span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;">I know that his antennae should grow back, but I'm not sure about his legs. One of mine broke one of his feelers a little while back and after 2 molts, he was back to normal.</span>

<span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;">Big D</span>

I WILL NEVER PURCHASE FROM PETCO AGAIN! My cleaner shrimp died, and they would not exchange before or after death. Their policy is you picked it, once you buy, they are not responsible. $25 down the drain. Oh well, live and learn I guess. I read that when they lose limbs it weakens their body, and I guess that is what happened to him. One of my scarlett crabs got him. I did get rid of the coral banded since he was "bullying" the cleaner and I won't get one of those again. Now if I could just catch the blue devil damsel since he is also "bullying" everyhting I put in my tank. He has killed 2 clownfish, 2 black/white damsels and I'm sure the 3rd will be soon. As soon as he is "gone" I will never get another damsel!!!:boo:
jefftullius;38994 wrote: <span style="font-family: Times New Roman;"><span style="font-size: 13px;"> :eeek: Mutant spider attacks! AHHHHH!!! lol :eek: </span></span>

All spiders are finally gone!!!!
My coral banded is, next to my little rainford's goby, the tamest inhabitant in my tank... But then, they don't care for other shrimp sometimes, I hear. They do, however, have the "cleaner shrimp" antennae and frontal pedipalps, and I have seen mine cleaning my Diamond Watchman Goby on a number of occasions.

And btw, the proper name for "Petco" among the reef community is "Deathco" for a reason :( I don't know how they stay in the fish business.
siege;39699 wrote: My coral banded is, next to my little rainford's goby, the tamest inhabitant in my tank... But then, they don't care for other shrimp sometimes, I hear. They do, however, have the "cleaner shrimp" antennae and frontal pedipalps, and I have seen mine cleaning my Diamond Watchman Goby on a number of occasions.

And btw, the proper name for "Petco" among the reef community is "Deathco" for a reason :( I don't know how they stay in the fish business.

Now I know....thanks!
Just to satisfy my own curiosity... Did your 'spiders' look like"> this?</a>

They are hydroids, small anemone like creatures from the <span style="color: #333333;">phylum Cnidaria </span>that can stick to your glass or float around the tank. They aren't really good but aren't the worst thing you could have. The only bad thing is that they can sting fish sometimes.