Do I need my HOB filter?


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Good morning all,

I have a quick question. I have a 29 gallon tank with 2 ocellaris clownfish and 1 Coral Beauty angel. I also have some mixed zoas and mushrooms and a couple other soft corals. My question is...I am currently runnning a Remora protein skimmer and a marineland pengiun 350 filter on the back of the this necessary? I do a 5gallon water change every week/week and half and my protein skimmer does an excellent job pulling gunk out of the water. I know the HOB filter provides extra flow and pulls uneaten food out of the tank, but could I go without it and not see my parameters change? I eventually want to build a sump below but was wondering if I could go without the filter until then. Any feedback is appreciated!

Also..if it helps to know...I have about 35 pounds of live rock, 30 pounds live sand..and tank has been running for about 3 years.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I'd leave the HOB (minus the bio-wheel) for mechanical and chemical filtration.

*Can* you run on just a skimmer (and powerhead(s)) - yes. I've done it. But the HOB can help just as you mentioned - removes particles and you can run carbon, phosphate sponge, etc., in it. I'd leave it on.

Thank you for the responses! I was thinking the same thing Jenn, I dont want to make any changes and then screw up the whole system. It is not the quietest piece of equipment and it casts a shadow on the back of the tank which makes it the only spot without corraline algae on the back. But I can deal with those issues.

Edit: I am not running the bio-wheels on it...took them off a couple years ago when my nitrates spiked.