Do you think uv sterilizers are a most have?

JennM;986475 wrote: I believe the linked thread was about how to properly size a UV for your particular system.

So if you don't plan to get one, I guess there's no point in reading it.

I didn't see anyone being rude, rather they were trying to help you learn more about UVs.

A UV not sized or run properly is definitely a waste of money because it won't be effective for its intended purpose.

i never said anyone was being rude.©™
To the Op:

Something I don't understand. So you think that because you don't have the problems mentioned you don't need a UV?
And your saying that when you have those problems you might consider "waste" your money in getting one?
Please explain

Jenn gave you a great explanation, but it doesn't seems like you catched properly.
No, no. She's saying that they're not the panacea that many folks think they are.
McPhock;986481 wrote: No, no. She's saying that they're not the panacea that many folks think they are.
Oh yeah! I knew exactly what she said !
Question was for the Op.
this is why i started this thread because i dont know if it is needed and i want to know the benifits of a uv and wanted to hear from others that are using them if they have noticed any other advantages of having i said i dont have any of those problems and i dont want to waste money on something that i dont need.
joseayes;986480 wrote: To the Op:

Something I don't understand. So you think that because you don't have the problems mentioned you don't need a UV?
And your saying that when you have those problems you might consider "waste" your money in getting one?
Please explain

Jenn gave you a great explanation, but it doesn't seems like you catched properly.
so what are your thoughts about uv sterilivers?
Uv light destroys nucleic functions and will kill all microorganisms. I'm sure there are some good things that will be killed, but the street goes both ways.
my 2 cents, i won't run my system with out one!
i had an ick problem awhile back and ran out an got a aqua 57w, no other treatment and cured in 2 days.
there is a lot of benefits to having one and whats the down side to not having one, the money wasted to buy it.
the cost of losing fish or corals is more painful.
most of the big and well established system from the veterans in the game have then running on their systems.
reading post and literature get a little confusing sometimes, so have a look at some youtube videos on uv sterilizers, example : brs, mr. saltwater.
the sterilizer doesn't help spread anything, its the opposite, it sterilizers water born spores, pathogens and pests via the uv light which prevents them from reproducing, in turn prevents the cycle from going on.
all the lfs run them and they have alot more money invested, why not.
i say a must have.
They only reason not to have one is the money involved. I don't have one on the frag tank but I don't have as many fish or nutrient problems. I notice it helps control nuisance algae in my DT and I haven't had any fish disease of any kind in this tank, but it's been awhile since I've really introduced anything new in there besides corals. I can't necessarily attribute that to having a UV, but I can't see it hurting either.
tonymission;986528 wrote: They only reason not to have one is the money involved. I don't have one on the frag tank but I don't have as many fish or nutrient problems. I notice it helps control nuisance algae in my DT and I haven't had any fish disease of any kind in this tank, but it's been awhile since I've really introduced anything new in there besides corals. I can't necessarily attribute that to having a UV, but I can't see it hurting either.

2nd reason

Another pump that adds heat to water :sad:
Camellia;986539 wrote: 2nd reason

Another pump that adds heat to water :sad:

I plumb mine inline off the return with a ball valve so I can control (reduce) flow to the UV. Also did that with my chillers. Only extra pump is my tiny NextReef pump for my GFO although I should probably add that inline as well.
tonymission;986592 wrote: I plumb mine inline off the return with a ball valve so I can control (reduce) flow to the UV. Also did that with my chillers. Only extra pump is my tiny NextReef pump for my GFO although I should probably add that inline as well.

I like this idea for eliminating additional pumps but whats the benefit of reducing the flow? My runs crazy fast but wouldn't that be most effective?
Camellia;986634 wrote: I like this idea for eliminating additional pumps but whats the benefit of reducing the flow? My runs crazy fast but wouldn't that be most effective?

You want longer contact time in this case
Crew;986489 wrote: Uv light destroys nucleic functions and will kill all microorganisms. I'm sure there are some good things that will be killed, but the street goes both ways.

More specifically it denatures DNA. DNA loses its proper configuration therefore loses its ability to code for protein production. When the cell cannot correctly build needed proteins correctly metabolic processes necessary for life cease to function leading to possible death.
To the point above, I've heard of them being used successfully to clear up a cloudy bacterial bloom, but again this is more of a "treat a symptom" application rather than a standing benefit. And in those cases using one was a temporary thing.

I subscribe to the less is more approach... I try to keep the hardware responsible for keeping the rank alive as simple and error-proof as possible, and only the essentials of which a UV isn't (heaping helping of salt... In My Case).
I personally do not run one. All of my tanks depend hevally on feeding live foods and the UV will kill everything that swims through it. I have run one in the past. But honestly everything the UV is suposst to help with, I have delt with while running one and while not running one so I chose to take it off line. That was my choice, and would not even try to say I am right or wrong to do so. I have no proof and have honestly not looked at the reaserch.
I have never once <u>needed</u> a seatbelt. Does that mean I don't wear it when I get in my car? No, I wear it every time.

That said, my tank wears a seatbelt too. A very big seatbelt, because I value it and want to take preventative measures to protect it. Even if that protection is not a "Fix all" by any stretch.

It's a scientific fact that two known, very bad nuisances in our hobby, have a free swimming stage. Ich and AEFW. Am I guaranteed to get 100% of those free swimmers with the UV were they to be in the tank? No, but even if I get 50%, that's an improvement I'm willing to pay for.

A nice by-product is insane water clarity.
Seth The Wine Guy;986876 wrote: I have never once <u>needed</u> a seatbelt. Does that mean I don't wear it when I get in my car? No, I wear it every time.

That said, my tank wears a seatbelt too. A very big seatbelt, because I value it and want to take preventative measures to protect it. Even if that protection is not a "Fix all" by any stretch.

It's a scientific fact that two known, very bad nuisances in our hobby, have a free swimming stage. Ich and AEFW. Am I guaranteed to get 100% of those free swimmers with the UV were they to be in the tank? No, but even if I get 50%, that's an improvement I'm willing to pay for.

A nice by-product is insane water clarity.

I would take Seth's Opinion over mine:) he has have saved me alot over the last few years. but we run completly diffrant systems as running all LPS and softies prefer a "dirty" tank. but even still if i didnt feed so much live food would still be running one.