Do you use a grounding probe?


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While looking in my sump I noticed my grounding probe and wondered, Do any idiots not use one?
Saltwater is a great conductor especially with all power wires that we have sitting in our tanks.
Yes or No?
Why the hell not!?

If not, buy one.
You may want to do some more reading on the topic before you assume people are stupid for not using one.
No... Because Rich said not to!

I have been called lots of things... IDIOT doesn't bother me.
Such as? Obviously it doesn't fix a problem if you have one. I took quite a shock once from a powerhead in my brute can.
Wouldn't you rather fix the problem. I check for voltage regularly. What happens if you complete that circuit?
barry_keith;988560 wrote: they complete the circuit allowing your fish to feel the current. Without a probe they will not feel the SV
+1 a probe gives a path for the electricity to take....That is why you home is want a lightning strike to go through the grounding not through your tv computer...brand new Apex.... untill you complete a path there is no that is why you can feel stay complete the path
You want the long explanation or short explanation??? Hehehe

Bottom line, not only are the a waste they are a danger in my mind. Using quality GFI protection that is routinely checked is by far the safest bet for you and your livestock.
you should not have a non-grounded device in your tank or anywhere near water.
How about koralia, maxi jet, some heaters, some ago pumps, these are all common items
my maxi has GFCI and I cant answer for the rest. In my opinion If it does not have GFCI replace ASAP!
Just so you know im not full of ****...I spent 6 years as a Marine Corps Avionic tech on Huey and Cobra Helicopters and am working on a BS in Aerospace Electronics....but what do I know.
I understand the reason about not wanting to pass current though the fish, and that you shouldn't be in the situation to have it happen. However it does happen, to avoid running current through the fish I can have the ground probe lifted out of my sump for normal operation and push it down before I touch the water. However I have been shocked before, felt it in my chest and definitely took me a minute to feel right. I have even had my hands in some one else's tank and felt a STRONG tingling in my hand. The fact is that stuff happens, is it worth the risk to have NO security blanket? especially with all of these cheap Chinese pumps coming main stream now.
the problem is it is not a security messure it is creating a problem...lets say your powerhead is soon as u put your hand in the tank it completes the circut for it to in a simplistic view...the power head is the source...water becomes the wire and you are the completion point.....if a fish is in there it is "zapped" as well..when you dont complete the circit nothing is happening....with a probe that circit keeps going untill you fix the leak.....
I know that, wouldn't the better scenario to be to ground it before you put hand in and check for leaks regularly
exactly....that's why you should use GFCI...let the device be the ground....not your tank.
Very useful. For 10 bucks you can save yourself a zap and also your livestock will be much happier not getting all that stray voltage.