Do you use a grounding probe?

rdnelson99;988570 wrote: You want the long explanation or short explanation??? Hehehe

Bottom line, not only are the a waste they are a danger in my mind. Using quality GFI protection that is routinely checked is by far the safest bet for you and your livestock.

Skriz;988574 wrote: Only idiots use them.

I bought one years ago, researched after I bought it...then I threw it out! lol

I have a dedicated circuit to my tank with a GFI outlet on a circuit breaker.
jead85;988577 wrote: What if a non grounded plug is the device that is leaking

A GFI monitors the imbalance across the hot and the neutral. If current is going to ground it will sense the imbalance and trip. That is what makes it the best protection you can have in this case.
I don't use one because it only masks the problem of a voltage leak. I would rather use GFCI protected outlets and feel any other stray voltage leaks when my hands are wet.
If you want to get crazy technical some elctronic therory says that the current comes from ground not from the voltage in therory a grounding probe in a highly conductive enviorment IE salt water could cause a device to leek voltage if the path is of less resistance....and think if you are youing equipment like a vortech that is using would be constintly creating a circuit ......
but anyone who has every worked with "real" electricity knows theory and practical application never work how they should.
bcrueter;988611 wrote: but anyone who has every worked with "real" electricity knows theory and practical application never work how they should.

LOL. That's why it is called theory dummy. Hehehehe. But I agree with most of your statement although in AC it comes from the grounded conductor (neutral) 60 times a second and from the hot 60 times a second. :). Had you been around for a while you would know I believe what people think is stray voltage is actually the battery effect of an electrolyte (salt water) in motion in an inductive field.
You are correct, I was working in DC land... and that is a very intresting thought. Our tanks are literaly a battery.
and maybe I want to be in europe so it doesnt happen 60 times a second:p