Does Anyone Give Their Tank a Day Off Light Cycle


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This may sound silly, but lately I've gotten a few online orders and I've been leaving the lights off (at least the MH's) for the day they arrive for an calmer acclimation. I've also noticed a spike in my coral growth during this period (mainly SPS's but I swear my zoas have increased in numbers significantly). It could all be my imagination, but my SPS's definantly seem to feed most of the time the lights are out.

In the wild, there are overcast/stormy days where the light is dim and PAR low and I wonder if adding a "dark day" all along is beneficial? Maybe giving the photo cells a recharge period. I've also started turning my night-time LED's off every night for maybe 4 hours and my SPS's go nuts when it's pitch dark with tremendous feeder extensions. I'm in no way a scientific reefer yet, just some observations so far.
ares;261861 wrote: sposed to do wonders for algea problems...

Ironically, my coraline seems to have increased too. I've had to scrape a good bit of purple off the glass, but haven't had any algae problems for sure:thumbs:
I've been doing it now for quite some time. It seems to "Reset" the tank-it may just be in my eyes, but that's good enough for me! It doesn't hurt the power bill either ;)
Skriz;261894 wrote: I've been doing it now for quite some time. It seems to "Reset" the tank-it may just be in my eyes, but that's good enough for me! It doesn't hurt the power bill either ;)

How often do you cut the lights?
jonboyb;261897 wrote: How often do you cut the lights?

It's random (when I think about doing it!); it's usually every few weeks to a month. Sometimes I'll leave the lights off for a few days, sometimes it's just a day. I'd love for it to be automated, but I suppose I shouldn't be that lazy!
Isn't there some controller you can get for metal halides that will run more than 1 halide and produce a morning/evening by uneven lighting/dimming, and can even produce "storm lighting" with clouds and stuff? I remember seeing it on someone's rimless tank, but I don't think it was here.
Sounds expensive...LOL. Guess I'll stick with flipping my powerstrip off manually:thumbs:
I have heard that its beneficial for the tank. I also know of people who turn the lights off and blow around the sand to simulate a storm.
I notice more budding in my planted tank when the lights are off for an entire day and then hit back with a normal schedule. Maybe they are into "get it while you can" mode when the lights kick back on.
im pretty sure the newer LED systems come with a controller that allow you to program overcast/ stormy days......
I tried it a couple of times, but I didn't really notoce any difference either way.
i do it whenever i notice my zoas are closing up, the next day they are larger than ever and they xenia looks like it grew.
I prob do this once a week thinking about the stormy day thing is what prompted me to do this. I have done it for a long time never had any negative effects as far as I can tell
Jgoal55;261964 wrote: im pretty sure the newer LED systems come with a controller that allow you to program overcast/ stormy days......

Mine comes with the option of cloud simulation. It has random times throughout the day where my lights dim down and then come back up throughout the day. It also does summer and winter solstices but I've changed that up since most of the reefs are right around the equator.
hmm interesting. I have never thought of doing this or of it being benificial since coral growth has to do with light...amongst other things. Very interesting
I cut the halides off on my 265 gallon planted tank for a day once a week and it makes the water crystal clear the next day. I have a feeling it interferes with any floating algaes life cycle and kills them temporarily.