Does anyone use the instant ocean brand test kits?


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Had some questions about the results im getting.
Tank has been setup since last wednesday, Ammonia reads 0, but I can't get a nitrite reading at all. As in I get no color whatsoever in the test water, it just looks like clear aquarium water.
Also I'm reading very low ph, was wondering if anyone had any good remedies for this also.
did you use live rock or dry rock?

if its only been setup since wednesday you havnt cycled yet (unless you used live rock and even then you might not be ready). this stuff takes time be patient
Yeah, all live sand and live rock. I've got nothing but time so I'm not in a hurry, but I seem to remember having read that some folks who start this way had trouble getting a cycle at all, wondered if I should consider jump starting it with a piece of shrimp or something, and if the cycle will bring up my ph.
well if you started with truly cured live rock, at best you would only have a mini cycle. if the live rock you started with was full of bacteria you wont see a full cycle at all. the point of cycling is to grow a bacteria colony to break down waste. if that colony is already present in your rock then your 90%-100% there.

give it a few more days and test again. if amonia/trites are 0 and trates are up your done and can move forward slowly
my biggest concern was the nitrites test, I guess I should post a pic, but I assumed even if it was 0 I would get some coloration in the test water.

I bought it as cured live rock at pure reef, but I would have no idea how to tell if it was cured or not. But so many people have good things to say about them and they were very good at helping a moron noob like me so I assume it was good rock.