Does my clam need a base rock


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Hey guys I picked up a small blue maxima clam 2.5" back a month ago and it's been doing fine but I've had it parked in the sand bed and it's been moving itself a lot every other day it knocks itself over and I straighten it up and it moves again , we'll tonight I witnessed it with its foot out feeling around and I'm wondering if it's not looking to attach to a hard surface ?
Is a base rock a good idea ?
Last clam I had was on a base rock and it shifted and tumbled and resulted in tearing the foot killing the clam so I'm somewhat reluctant
Maxima clams prefer a rock to attach to. Not saying it won't survive without a rock but it will be happier with one.
That and having a rock on their soft spot keeps bad things like crabs and works from being able to eat them when they close.
You can also mold a base around the bottom out of epoxy putty to accomplish the same thing. It'll attach to rock with it's feeler (can't remember what the correct name is) and you can cut those to move it without damaging the foot.