DOH! I killed my new Watermellon Zoa!


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I probably should post this in the new members forum since it is a newbie mistake I made but wasn't sure if that's wher it belonged. Two of my new zoas have an aptasia on them and the one on the watermellon zoa seemed to be stinging it or at least harming it some since the polyps adjacent to the aptaisa wouldn't open. I have successfully gotten rid of the few aptaisia I've had by injecting them with lemon juice and without giving it another thought did the same for this one. DOH! While injecting the aptaisia some of the lemon juice drifted over the zoas and they immediately closed up. After a while about half the zoas opened so I thought it was going to be ok, but the next day only a couple opened and by the next day none of them opened. Last night the hermit crabs ate them all so I know that they were all dead and the plug is now glued to the rock with nothing on it.

The zoa frag with the other aptaisia is just going to have to deal with it itself for the time being until I come up with a better plan. I couldn't stand to watch something else die in my tank. Any ideas?
joes juice for life! My peppermints worked a number on my aiptasia also.
I used Joes Juice on one I just got. Lets just say that half of the little Zoa colony is now dead, despite how careful I was trying to be. The little syringe leaks quite a bit.

Next application I am going to use a syringe that has a needle (for injecting poultry, not for my drugs).

The nice thing about joes juice is that it stays in one place.
Interesting... I've used Joe's Juice before and have had many accidents where I blanketed colonies of zoas with the white stuff. Surprisingly, (for me at least) only the aiptasia seems to have been affected by it and the zoas remained fine for me.
Anything's possible I guess... I think my yellow polyps survived the ordeal too... Maybe I should retest the yellow polyps.
I may have compounded the problem by turning the pumps off which allowed the lemon juice to sit right on top of the colony. Did you guys do it with the pumps on or off?
I mixed up my own kalkwasser concentrate and used an insulin needle. Pumps on always since it disperses the spills quickly.
Out of curiousity, I asked my wife to look in on them. THey are slowly re-opening. Not all yet, but half of the ones I thought were goners.

balagan;50688 wrote: Could be a false correlation on my part.
Man... You're suffering through nudis and aptaisia... gotta love this hobby :(. G'luck!
FutureInterest;50758 wrote: Man... You're suffering through nudis and aptaisia... gotta love this hobby :(. G'luck!

Yea, I need to remember to call my buddy that talked me into it and thank him! I seem to recall him saying that if I just got one of the complete systems like a nanocube or aquapod the costs and maintenance would be minimal. HA!

Actually it has been a blast even with the problems. On the good side, I've been watching my two headed Frogspawn closely since one of the heads was beginning to grow a huge mouth and I saw this morning that it now has two mouths and I got a rare glimpse of the top of the other head and it also has two mouths so I'm assuming that in the near future both the heads will split.