So I was fragging some zoas monday evening.....,.

How's the eye?
About the same but its not worse

@Jikkermanccini They did multiple swabs and cultures. The doctor that is treating me now really did some research. second time i saw him he had pictures and info from other doctors who have treated this before. He found 7 documented cases that were almost exactly like mine
So sorry to hear this, and I hope you're feeling better. Hopefully it will heal soon and you'll have no lasting damage. I'm just getting started in the hobby, don't have my first coral yet, but I'm thinking I'll avoid palys altogether. Are zoas toxic, as well?
Not so good. Its gone down hill this past week. I have seen several eye specialists and monday I meet with the surgeons to see if they can physically save the eye. August has not been a good month
I'm sorry to hear - let me know if you need anything
Cosmo Kramer Seinfeld GIF
Well they used glue to stabilize the thin areas of my cornea. All kinds of steroids and antibiotics which have not helped. They are going to biopsy the cornea tomorrow and hopefully that will help figure out whats next. Probably gonna be a transplant. All I know is I am back to work full time monday.
Well they used glue to stabilize the thin areas of my cornea. All kinds of steroids and antibiotics which have not helped. They are going to biopsy the cornea tomorrow and hopefully that will help figure out whats next. Probably gonna be a transplant. All I know is I am back to work full time monday.
Sorry to hear that George
Well they used glue to stabilize the thin areas of my cornea. All kinds of steroids and antibiotics which have not helped. They are going to biopsy the cornea tomorrow and hopefully that will help figure out whats next. Probably gonna be a transplant. All I know is I am back to work full time monday.

From what I've read cornea transplants have an excellent success rate and good long-term prospects!