Dosing 2 Part solutions?


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<span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;">I was wondering what would be a good dosing 2 part solution? Here is a couple i found and would anybody recomend these or recomend others that are not listed here? Any help will be greatly appreciated i am hoping to start another tank in about a year(still in the drawing bords and have not asked permision yet from the parents so this might just stop before i even buy anything)</span>
<span style="font-family: Century Gothic;"><span style="font-size: 12px;"></span></span>
<span style="font-family: Century Gothic;"><span style="font-size: 12px;"><font size="2" data-gcupd="font-2"><!-- gcu-updated -->Nano Reef parts A and B</span>
</font><!-- gcu-updated SIZE --></span><span style="font-family: Century Gothic;"><span style="font-size: 12px;">E.S.V. B-Ionic 2-Part Calcium Buffer</span></span>
<span style="font-family: Century Gothic;"><span style="font-size: 12px;">Kent Marine Tech-CB</span></span>
<span style="font-family: Century Gothic;"><span style="font-size: 12px;">Two Little Fishies C-Balance Calcium Buffer System</span></span>
<span style="font-size: 12px;"></span>
<span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;"><span style="font-size: 12px;">Oh and if i were to get a tank i would probably get a reef tank between 20-30 gallons with some SPS, LPS, and maybe a couple of sofies here and there. Well if i do get a tank i will post it here just after i get a full membership to the ARC</span></span>
I have used the <span style="font-family: Century Gothic;"><span style="font-size: 12px;">Two Little Fishies C-Balance with good success. Only trouble is that I have to use so little of it the bottles have gotten old and beat up. I can't even tell which is A bottle and which is B bottle any more.

Nice thing about a 2 part solution is that you can adjust how much you use of each as you go. But this assumes are testing before you do water changes so you can tell what you need to add of what.
Tried the Kent Nano - MAJOR precipitation, sounded like it had dice in it when I shook it, never again

B Ionic - been using it for well over a year, great stuff!
Aquabuys sells it locally.
I use <span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;">B-Ionic for my 55. I bought the gallon jugs and put in 20ml every other day. As my friends say my tank is on steroids.</span>
I use B-Ionic for may 75G and dose it every other day. It keeps a level pH during the day and my corals seem to be getting plenty of calcium.
I use the Two Part Solutions mix-it-yourself versions. Do those that use the pre-mixed ones have the same issue with the gradual rise in specific gravity or do those solutions not use calcium chloride?
Funny you mentioned that, George. I keep my tank at 1.024, and it measured at 1.025 last night. I thought "how they heck did that happen? My skimmer really doesn't take out much, but still it shouldn't have gone up.</em>" Although I've also been raising my Mg levels- maybe that has something to do with it.
When I started dosing 2-part, I'd read about this and started mixing my water change at 1.023 to compensate. That has worked well.
I have been happy with B-Ionic, and have also used randy's two part which is cheaper... got six gallons worth, still, probably should put it up for sale. when you are using 2-part remember the by product is NaCl, which will increase your salinity over time.
for my nano, I use Kents a/b and for the 90, I mix randy's 2 part recipe and both work well.