Dragon Goby Need Friend


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I just got a Dragon Goby in my 75 gallon and i'd like to get a shrimp buddy for him to play with. I do not know if he is the type that can have a shrimp friend and if he is, what kind of shrimp would be good for him? He already made a cave. lol

I don't think Dragon Gobies are shrimp gobies. I don't think they'll hang out together.
Ms. K wrote: I don't think Dragon Gobies are shrimp gobies. I don't think they'll hang out together.

Ah really? I thought they would. He made a cave like he wanted a friend to stand guard with him.
Amblygobius</em> sphynx, </em>aka Dragon gobies are not shrimp gobies, sorry. They are considered sand-sifting gobies. This group of fish (gobies) is SO diverse!

a> is a good article that pertains to shrimp gobies. My personal favorite is the watchman. Hope this helps.
not to sound rude, but it just seems to me as if you keep adding things to your tank at a rapid pace. I just don't want to see anything bad happen to your tank or its inhabitants.

Hope everything works out.
I havent added anything to my tank for awhile and everything is doing great and growing VERY well. I appriciate your concern. I have added alot of coral but nothing big, it all is frags.
I got a a sweet pinkbar goby. He's a shrimp goby and I also got a tiger pistol shrimp.. He is def one of the coolest shrimp I have got yet. He uses his claws like a little bull dozer and makes caves under rocks. The goby unfortunately is still hiding on the other side of the tank so it may take a while for them to meet. Anyway I would shop around for nice pistol shrimp because the plain ones aren't as pretty as this one.

I would first ask where your tank is located before I considered a Pistol shrimp. There's a good reason they are called Pistol shrimp. They make loud cracking noises with their big claw from time to time, mostly to keep others out of their area. With my tank, it is in the living room, so I wouldn't want one popping when I am trying to watch tv or a movie. Worse yet, if you have it in your bedroom and are trying to sleep and have to put up with the popping throughtout the night.

Just be aware that you can easily hear the popping outside of the tank and then make the decision for yourself as to whether you can live with that where your tank is situated.
I've got a tiger pistol shimp too with a wheeler's goby. A tiger's the way to go- very cool looking. They almost look like twins. And the popping isn't that loud. They're in my nano which is right beside the couch and it's not annoying at all. I probably wouldn't want it in my bedroom, though.
I used to have a Pistol shrimp in my ten gallon which is now my 30 gallon in my bedroom and I had no trouble sleeping. He would pop about every 30 minutes or so. I didn't really care.
I haven't made it to the shrimp section of my invert book so this is probably a real stupid question, but don't pistol shrimp fire a wave that can stun other fish and critters? Are these a smaller version and relatively harmless to tank inhabitants?
Cameron wrote: I haven't made it to the shrimp section of my invert book so this is probably a real stupid question, but don't pistol shrimp fire a wave that can stun other fish and critters? Are these a smaller version and relatively harmless to tank inhabitants?

You are correct. The "snap" is the small jet of water that is being pushed out by their pincer and it causes the sound. This jet of water happens so fast and is so strong it stuns the prey!
I have a watchman goby and he seems to have bonded with two of the peppermint shrimp I have. They usually share the same "cave" area, and I see the shrimp cleaning off the watchman all the time.