Dragonet Deathwish


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Kennesaw, GA
I was moving a spotted gobi out of quarantine, so I knew I needed a top for my tank (arg - ugly!!!). I bought a Red Sea kit and installed it. I like it because it has a very small (less than 1/4", I think) mesh size.

I got a mated pair of Red Dragonets from Divers Den on Thursday, and put them in the tank. They are the tiniest fish I've ever seen in a salt tank. They hid for most of yesterday, but started coming out and foraging today.

A few minutes ago I heard a splash (it's light out) and walked over to the tank. The female (about 3/4" long) jumped up and hit the mesh top. "Whew!", I thought. Then I watched as she very methodically looked up, lined up... and jumped cleanly through the mesh!! She just sat up there, smugly. I got her back in the water, and she spent the next 5 minutes with her mouth at the surface, just sort of shifting around and skimming.

I don't know WTH to do. For now, I took a spare piece of mesh and sat it on top and weighed it down with some PVC. Hoping that she won't see a clear opening to jump through.

Any suggestions? Does anyone know of an even tinier mesh out there? I could drop down to window screen, I suppose, but I'm concerned for light blockage and salt creep.

Thoughts? I don't want to lose her...

Thanks, all!
It was the strangest thing!!! The gobi tried several times in the QT, but it was more of a fear/frustration thrashing crazy thing. With the dragonet it was... methodical. I swear she just wanted to know what was on the other side of the mesh. Like it was a challenge...
Might be easier to go there to see or to like hobby lobby or a fabric store. Want to make sure it is plain mesh- no sparkles :)
Thanks, all!! I am a little leery of the super-fine stuff, for blocked light, etc. But maybe worth a try!

@Imm1967 - my hero, again!! You know, I looked all over BRS' site for parts and couldn't find anything but the branded (Red Sea and someone else) kits. I search now and all of the standalone stuff shows up. Sigh...

Anyway, I'll text you tomorrow. I need a section 36x18

She's staying in for now... we'll see what happens at lights out (22:00)

Thanks again, all!!
Innovative marine has diy kits that can be cut to size. Just recently purchased one on Amazon for fluval evo 13.5.

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I couldn't decide between the IM and Red Sea kits, and finally landed on the Red Sea. Got the 1/8" screen from @Imm1967m today. Got it installed and I think it's going to keep everyone in check. Whew!

Though, I am "missing" a Line Spot Wrasse... hopefully he's just well hidden and didn't escape to somewhere... : )
I’m on my second Ruby Red, the first one I lost years ago when it jumped. I told myself I wouldn’t get another, but several months ago I decided I‘d try again since I had added a screen top to keep my blue throat from surfing. A week after adding it to the tank, he went missing. Couldn’t find him anywhere so I figured he was gone. About 2 weeks later, I was pulling my skimmer cup to clean it and low and behold there he was in my sump! He somehow got into the overflow, went down the standpipe into my filter sock, somehow found his way out of the sock and was living it up in the darkness of my sump. I left him in there thinking he’d eat better and get a little size to him. I changed my mind a few days later, and now he’s back in the display and seems to be eating and very active (see him all of the time now). They’re definitely a difficult fish to keep!


The plastic netting from BRS is the way to go. It doenst block out light and has very small holes. Pure reef makes great tank tops out of this stuff. or if you want to make it yourself its like $9 from amazon or BRS
Well, she's gone : (((( I went to great lengths to cover every possible escape route, but she was out of the tank when we got up this morning.

Best I can tell from where she was located, she had to have swum while between two layers of netting covering a cable entry hole. Eventually she got to a section that was the older 1/4" netting and then squeezed through.

Have to admire her determination. Some spirits just won't tolerate being captive...
Well, she's gone : (((( I went to great lengths to cover every possible escape route, but she was out of the tank when we got up this morning.

Best I can tell from where she was located, she had to have swum while between two layers of netting covering a cable entry hole. Eventually she got to a section that was the older 1/4" netting and then squeezed through.

Have to admire her determination. Some spirits just won't tolerate being captive...