Dragonet in a (larger) Nano: CAN it be done?

linda lee

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I have a lovely mandarin in my 90g that I've had for a couple years. The 90g has a 30g refugium and has always supplied sufficient pods for this guy to remain fat 'n healthy.

I'm transferring over to http://www.marinedepot.com/JBJ_28_Gallon_Nano_Cube_Quad_PowerCompact_Bulb_Aquarium_Nano_Cube_Aquariums_Tanks-JBJ_Lighting-JB7141-FIAQNCNT-JB7143-vi.html">this</a> 28g nano that I received yesterday. The filtration system at the rear of the tank can be converted into a small refugium. I'm also considering adding [IMG]http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=490+659&pcatid=659">maidenhair</a> plant to the nano as I've read it can be a good breeding ground for pods.

I'm wondering if this setup would be enough to keep this fish healthy? He <u>does</u> eat mysis from time to time, but I know that's not his main food source, plus I don't feed mysis that often, as I'm of the opinion mysis is more like "candy" rather than a nutritional main course.

Competing for food in the nano will be a pair of clownfish, pistol shrimp/goby and various inverts, none of which are really pod-hogs.

I don't want my attachment to my fish to cloud my judgment. Selfishly, of course, I want to keep him, but If this isn't going to work, I'd rather just let him go to someone who can provide a better home.

It can absolutely work but not self sustained IMO. Your more than likely going to have to supplement with Tiger pods on a pretty regular basis, again IMHO.
does it eat frozen?

sorry just saw that he eats mysis. i trained my breading pair to eat frozen so i dont have to worry of it, they are fat and healthy and eat anything now
DawgFace;656638 wrote: It can absolutely work but not self sustained IMO. Your more than likely going to have to supplement with Tiger pods on a pretty regular basis, again IMHO.

Yep, I'm suspecting that will be the case.

Jenn? You'll need to keep these on hand.

I know it is rare or uncommon to get mandarin that eat frozen or pellets but if they were then how are they not the perfect nano fish?
They also require frequent feedings thats very hard to mimick with frozen foods... or so I've heard. I believe POD population to some degree is required no matter what.
He would decimate your pod population in no time...however, it can be done...

Over feed, get him to Eat PE Mysis, Cyclo-peeze, and take care of your pods!! Leave your back wall unscraped, add a few ruble piles of rocks and shells, buy a variety of macro algae...not just maidens fan...Feed and restock your pods...soak your PE Mysis (really, PE, none other) with Selcon......pita, but it will work...massive water changes for nutrient control..good luck!
he eats mysis already?

then yeah.. it can be done...

if he only ate pods... he'd get REAL skinny...
Personally, I wouldn't do it, but I understand your attachment.

Mysis has a lot of nutritional value, I wouldn't consider it "candy", quite the contrary.

I've looked into live pods - it's a bit of a commitment and depending on what I brought in I might have to get a fridge :-/ (space is limited these days)...

I've seen a few people get lucky keeping a dragonet in a smaller system, but I've also had lots of them brought to me when they're emaciated :( (and no, I didn't sell them in the first place...)

It's a tough call - you know your fish. If you think he'll eat enough prepared foods, it might work. Your pod population will vanish fast.

The watchman WILL eat pods too.

I guess ech set up is different... I have a pair of o.r.a. Bread
Ing pair of mndarins ina48" longbyb24" high by 4" thick tank. I believe it's like8 gallons. They do way live because I have a small tank above it that gravity feeds pods back in, but I feed frozen and they go crazy for it. I trained them to do it
My 3yr old mandarin started in a biocube 29. We spent a ***LOT*** in tigger pods and added a sump. He began eating frozen pretty quickly (rods) and mysis (and everything else) pretty quickly.

Right now I could probably put him in a glass of water and he'd survive.

Ultimately it depends on the fish and depends on the owner. Are YOU willing to drop hundreds of dollars in pods if needed? Are you willing to take the time to try and get it to eat frozen? Are you willing to deal with the added maintenance due to overfeeding? Are you willing to move it out or give it away if things go bad?

If so, go for it! If not, don't do it.
I had a mandarin in a 20 for a few years way back when. He did fine living off soaked mysis, but when we moved I think he got stuck in the rocks and went crispy critter. I was sad :(.
A Mandarin is definitely on my wish list but it will stay there for a long time I think. I know for a beginner like me it would probably be a futile attempt. Gotta wait for the big tank...
Is there any way that you could incorporate your working refugium into the nano build?
acpoweradapter;663064 wrote: I would love to get one of the captive raised ORA ones that are supposed to already be on frozen foods.

Except the ORA ones weren't any more likely to eat prepared than wild-caught ones when they hit the stores... I'm all for captive-bred, just don't count on it eating.
cr500_af;663071 wrote: Except the ORA ones weren't any more likely to eat prepared than wild-caught ones when they hit the stores... I'm all for captive-bred, just don't count on it eating.

That's what scared me away from them. When I read the hype I was set on getting one. Then research revealed that they're still hit or miss. I just don't want to kill one.
acpoweradapter;663072 wrote: Huh, I thought eating frozen was their main selling point. Oh well.

Even so, still better to get captive than wild caught.

What I thought as well...
You can do it! You must design everything around it but it certainly CAN be done fine. I would suggest a in tank refugium with cheato. Make an container hidden that is in-excessable to the fish but with holes for the pods to move in and out of and allowing enough light from the top. I just got my baby to start eating pellets!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not sure how, but he is. I think it had something to do with mixing mysis and pellets for so long. He's a fat little bugger...
rjrgroup;663122 wrote: You can do it! You must design everything around it but it certainly CAN be done fine. I would suggest a in tank refugium with cheato. Make an container hidden that is in-excessable to the fish but with holes for the pods to move in and out of and allowing enough light from the top. I just got my baby to start eating pellets!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not sure how, but he is. I think it had something to do with mixing mysis and pellets for so long. He's a fat little bugger...

What size tank?