Dream JOB?!? Reef maintenance business?


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What would be your job? Or do you already have it!?

I guess I can’t complain but if I was to do what I enjoy, I’ll be a reef tank service man...

I was talking to @chuck the other day, and man…. IF was to have a dream job? I do a reef Maintenance service business. Helping out all the reefers from front to back, selection and care to whatever. In all seriousness, I even told him I partner up with him and do one stop business. He have perfect van! Lol. Why not he say. lol

That would be super cool and fun! I wonder if any you guy thought about a such?

I ran a consulting business in 30’s for 5 years and I got burned outX. Closed and went back into corporate world.

I know there are professional service providers out there. As for us?!? We can take beer and corals as payments. Cheers~

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I was also in the hobby before getting burned out from trial and error as newbie to novice in 10yrs. When I got back in the hobby, all that I’ve done in the past finally came together as know how and I kinda love fixing stuff anyways and reef fixing is fun to me. Maintenance is always stress reliever and enjoy sharing the success. We got the resources for all we need as well. Capital and man powers and knowledge. I’m just playing ya’ll.

I’m glad you are a too lol in the hobby! I also came back…. Idk why… -.-

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My tank is damn near a service business..lol. In all seriousness the work put in on my tank is as least as much as those who put in the most. It would probably become a burden if that's what I was doing all day. Nobody wants to do their day job everyday after they get off of work. If you shut down your personal tank or kept it as simple as possible then it might be cool. Like @myvwrock said..otherwise its burn out time.
I’ve been retired since Nov ‘20 and vowed I would never work another job again. When I say job, I mean something I have to do instead of something I love to do. In my mind only two things fit that criteria and that’s either working for myself or doing something in the reefing industry.

I’ve been trying to figure out how to work for myself and create a positive stream of income but in the mean time an opportunity presented itself a few months ago. It’s working for a local company helping to build aquariums/reefing equipment as well as occasionally doing maintenance on tanks and installs. I’ve loved every minute of it so far and it hasn’t burned me out from taking care of my 3 tanks thus far. It’s actually given me a greater appreciation of the hobby and hopefully it continues in that trajectory. I can see how some people could get burned out making your hobby your job though.
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There is no better way to kill your love of something than to do it for a living. My dream job is living off my investments.

I love helping setup systems and growing frags but I dont want to be on anyone else's schedule. I really dont want deal with paperwork and overhead of running a business. I will grow corals to sell simply hoping to pay for the operational costs of the tank. Will I have enough to setup a business, sure. Will I, NO.
Exactly what @enderg60 said. A very long time ago, I loved doing car shows, and eventually made it into a magazine which got me quite a bit of sponsors. Those sponsorships comes with expectations and it went from a fun hobby to more like a job. Totally killed it for me. I ended up finishing out my contracts and selling the car and getting out for good because of it. Never again!
There is no better way to kill your love of something than to do it for a living. My dream job is living off my investments.

I love helping setup systems and growing frags but I dont want to be on anyone else's schedule. I really dont want deal with paperwork and overhead of running a business. I will grow corals to sell simply hoping to pay for the operational costs of the tank. Will I have enough to setup a business, sure. Will I, NO.
This is basically all I want to do too, but I am setting up an LLC and all that stuff so I can pay my taxes properly because I am an idiot I think lol.